Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, October 24, 2016

Feast of the Holy Archangel Raphael.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, on the feast of St. Raphael the Archangel, we celebrated a worthy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were again bathed in golden, glistening light. The altars were decorated with festive flower decorations. The holy archangel Michael stopped the evil from us with his sword.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I give you some special instructions, which are written deep into your receptive heart. I thank you, My beloved believers, for wanting to receive My messages to make your life easier.

In these difficult times it is important for you that I infect you with My ardent love so that you let the Divine Power flow into you. You are not able to climb the ladder to heaven from within yourselves. I thank you for constantly taking the rosary in your hands every day and praying it intimately and humbly. The rosary is the sword that you raise against the evil one. Satan must then depart, although he would press you to deviate from the true way. You must remember that Satan can be cunning in another person. You often do not feel it. If you remain calm and quiet, the Holy Spirit will give you everything you have to say or do.

Trust today especially in the Holy Archangel Raphael, because he is the intercessor of the travelers and the intercessor in serious and hopeless illnesses. Pray to him if you suffer from a serious illness. If it is in my will, then you will be healed. Faith and repentance for your sins will heal you.

My beloved ones, how often have you received My instructions and you have followed them. But many people today no longer believe in the supernatural. You want to fathom and understand everything. Unfortunately I, the Heavenly Father, cannot reach them in their hearts. They want to experience miracles and undertake long journeys in order to enjoy the mundane to the full. Many people have not understood the value of sacrifice and renunciation for heaven's sake. They cannot understand you believers and mock you. Take up this cross silently on your shoulders and do not desire, for they will not want to understand you. You cannot achieve change in the other if the other does not show willingness.

My beloved father children, take today's persecution upon you and give thanks for your suffering.

How many priests are going astray today and do not even feel that I want to touch and save them. They continue to turn their backs on me and indulge in modernism. They take the easier way and swim in the general stream of the world.

Often the believers are seekers. But they cannot find a priest to take care of them. They complain about their suffering, but they do not find an open ear. The Sacrament of Penance is given to them as a penitential prayer, as a substitute. They do not find redemption for their sins, because in this modernism there is no sin. Divorced people who are remarried have permission to receive Holy Communion. But they do not experience true happiness in the supernatural.

My beloved children, how longingly I look upon My priestly sons, whom you can reach through your atonement. So far you have made many sacrifices to bring joy to Me, your Father in heaven. I thank you that you have held out so far and promise me to continue to follow my will, whatever it may cost. You, my beloved father children, will grow stronger through your failures. I see your efforts. You often cry tears of disappointment and think that I, the Heavenly Father, would not protect you. But I am always with you and never leave you alone because I dwell in your hearts, but only with those who believe in me.

The holy archangel Raphael, whose feast you are celebrating today, will appear to some in the future, but they don't know if it is him. For he takes on human form and will work miracles, miracles of healing. Also call him if you need to make further trips, he will be your travel companion. Also there many things will happen, which cannot be fathomed. Then you know, My beloved ones, it was the Holy Archangel Raphael whom you called.

My beloved ones, in you and also around you miracles of grace will happen. I, the Heavenly Father, allow many things to happen to shake people out of their sleep of death.

Look at the many disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, fire fires, epidemics and unexplained diseases. I am above everything. I allow everything and people want to explain it in science. They spend many hours in research and do not search for their creator in the supernatural. I want to be close to all people. I love My creatures unfathomably and do not want to let anyone go astray. The more people leave me, the more my longing for their conversion grows.

Pray, My children, and do not abandon Me. But you are my faithful, whom I have closed into my heart. Practice humility, for the wicked one seizes you especially in pride. This remains the main point of attack. Get to know and recognize the cunning of Satan, because this cunning is spreading today. The evil one wants to divide the people and spread discord. Quarrel is welcome to the evil spirit.

In the Catholic Church Satan has achieved everything, because he has broken the top. He led the present Holy Father to heresy. He seduced the previous pope to fickleness, so that he resigned, although a valid pope should hold this office until the end of his life.

You will find out, My beloved ones, that I am at work, I, the Almighty and Omniscient Father. I will direct the destinies of the Church and no one will be able to say: "I have not been given the chance to repent by the Heavenly Father. One must seize this chance and not be afraid to make the biggest sacrifices. The blessing lies in the sacrifice. I, the Heavenly Father, know about everything and leave no one alone in his problems of everyday life. I protect everyone with an army of angels.

But I say to all of you, be vigilant, for the wicked man goes about like a roaring lion, trying to devour what he can devour.

I bless you now with the Divine Power, with the Holy Archangel Raphael, with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and with all the Saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be vigilant and always follow My special instructions, for I Am with you every day because I love you immeasurably.


