Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through Her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, August 22, 2017, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

It was a holy atmosphere. During the Holy Transubstantiation the Heart of Jesus was visibly united with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Also, during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, Our Lady's halo was bathed in a supernatural golden and glittering light. The Blessed Mother was dressed in a brilliant white and had a white rosary in her hand. The angels surrounded the altar of Mary and also the altar of sacrifice. They adored the holy of holies. Our Lady's flower decoration was festively decorated with white lilies and white and red roses. In each rose were white pearls and small diamonds. The mantle of the Mother of God was set with many diamonds that sparkled golden.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory, speak to you today because My Immaculate Heart will prevail. There was a special rejoicing in heaven today. This rejoicing spread also to the earth. Many people have realized that priests are saved through My Immaculate Heart if they reflect and consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart even at the last moment. Through this many serious sins can be forgiven them, because I have special graces to give away on this day. These priests will not be lost if they consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart.

It is a gift from Heaven that My Immaculate Heart will prevail. I will be allowed to trample the head of the snake with My little children of Mary. They will serve me because I will take them under my protective cloak and protect them.

You, My children of Mary, will develop special talents and abilities in the last time. These talents will be more pronounced than before. You, my children, will not be able to grasp these gifts because they will move in the supernatural. You will not fathom what is about to happen to you. You will stand amazed before the greatness of the Almighty and fall down in gratitude before Him.

You will not only experience that the Heavenly Father will intervene powerfully on earth, but that many people will reflect in the last time to be saved from the eternal abyss.

My Immaculate Heart will also triumph at My special place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad. I will intervene with the Heavenly Father.

Unfortunately, this place has been spoiled by Masonic forces. The evil one thinks that he has already taken possession of this place of pilgrimage because the people who are addicted to modernism obey him. The director of this sanctuary thinks he can change everything and create a tourist place according to his own ideas and to give a hand to Mammon and Freemasons.

This he will not succeed, for it is the sacred place of My dearest Mother and Queen of Victory. It was created through many nights of sacrifice and atonement. This place has now been tried to be destroyed by force.

No, My beloved ones, still the Heavenly Father holds the scepter in His hand. He will direct everything according to His plans.

I beseech you for the protection of many priests who still want to reflect, who at the last moment will be saved from the eternal abyss and who will reflect for the better. My supplication to the throne of the Heavenly Father will bear fruit.

Be vigilant, My beloved ones, because the wicked one deals with everyone with great power. Still he strikes out for the last blow. This blow is unimaginable for you. But whoever consecrates himself to my Immaculate Heart is protected in everything. He is given special knowledge and graces.

I bless you now, on this, My special feast day, My beloved children of Mary and also beloved children of the Father, in the Trinity with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Continue to be vigilant and give yourselves again to My Immaculate Heart. I will take you under My protective cloak. There you are safe, because I will press you against my Immaculate Heart.


