Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 27, 2017

12th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, August 27, 2017, the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The flower decoration on the altar of sacrifice and also on the altar of Mary was not sparse, because I was allowed to see the flowers in a supernatural show and it was very festive. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Blessed Mother blessed us and She was wrapped in a festive garment.

The Heavenly Father will speak today, this Sunday: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and this Sunday, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, your Heavenly Father, will give you today some important and significant information for the time to come. These are an important gift for all of you, because as you know, the great intervention of your Heavenly Father is just around the corner. You do not know what this procedure will look like. And you, My little one, will only receive certain information. What it will really look like, you will not know. That remains My secret.

You, My beloved little flock and you too, My beloved followers, would be frightened if you experienced this intervention in the smallest detail. Develop no fears, for your Heavenly Father protects you. But I will have to intervene enormously.

First, My beloved little flock in the threesome, I would like to thank you for all the work you have done here in My House of Glory. You have done a lot of clean-up work, because you have not been able to live in My House of Glory for almost two years due to illness of My daughter Catherine.

I have guided you, because everything had to be done quickly, because My little daughter Katharina is waiting for you. You managed a four-week workload in fourteen days, only with the Divine Power that was certain for you, for I have guided you. Everything that you have done according to my will and desire, you have done to me.

My House of Glory is a gift for everyone. Unfortunately, many cannot understand and accept this gift.

And now, My beloved little flock, I have prophesied to you that I will give you important information. You, My little Anne, have been able to distract yourself a little from the great suffering that you still bear for My beloved daughter Catherine. It will still take some time until you have overcome everything. But have courage, you will master it with my help.

Still I would like to tell you that you want to give a clear No to the children of My daughter Katharina regarding their visit, because it is important for My daughter Katharina that she should settle down in this home in peace and quiet, without being influenced. I have the scepter firmly in my hand. Nothing will happen to her that is not in my desire. My daughter must be kept away from all evil influences. She should feel comfortable there. Only those whom I choose shall have access to their heart. You mean well with her and want to show her love. She senses that.

You, My beloved ones, you stood by and took care of them in the hardest times. You have proved that you have stood by her in joy and sorrow. You have done everything for them that was possible and I have given you the light of knowledge. This is now becoming noticeable. I have arranged everything according to my wishes. I have also chosen the nursing staff for my daughter Katharina.

She will never feel left alone in this home. The care will make them stronger. She will not lack for anything here to achieve a cure.

You too, My beloved little flock, will be guided when you visit My daughter Katharina. Pay attention to your words, because they come from me.

Everything is prepared in this special home when you come. Please do not develop any fears as I am guiding you. Everything shall continue to be done according to my wish. Rely entirely on my guidance. Do not feel left alone. I am with you in every moment. When it becomes difficult for you, call on me and help will be given to you.

Many things, My beloved Anne, you cannot fathom. It is too hard for you, because your suffering is still the priority. Have courage and trust, because everything will happen according to my wish. But you will also have to suffer it additionally.

My little flower of passion and suffering, I need you urgently at this time. Are you still willing to follow Me completely? I am proud of you and lead you according to My will. Be humble and leave yourself to Me. You will also take over a part of the suffering of My little Katharina.

You have always accompanied her in the hardest times and you know her whole family. She has to suffer for everyone, for the sins of her four children, children-in-law and grandchildren. I have taken away a special feeling of suffering from her, because her mind will not allow this suffering. She will live in a different world than you, My little ones. You will not understand many things. She will not be able to follow your experiences. Their brain cells are no longer sufficient for this. Accept it as it is at the moment and do not investigate. Believe that your Heavenly Father desires only the best for His children. You do not always have to understand the meaning. Prepare yourselves for the needs of My daughter and for her life there in the home. Then you will even be able to experience joy with her. This too is My gift to you. The love that you show to My daughter needs her urgently and this will even inflame your hearts. Love will penetrate from me into your hearts when you do everything out of love for me.

Often it will be difficult for you, but with time it will become easier for you. Much of what you wish for will not be possible in their world. Do not ask too much of yourselves. Be happy and satisfied with only a few things. Time will bring it.

Believe Me, My beloved ones, I want to set an example here for dementia patients, because many are left alone by their relatives and acquaintances because they are stamped. It is unpleasant for them to have a troublemaker in their kinship. One is ashamed even of these people and hides their illness from other people and does not allow visits. But you, My followers, mean well with My daughter because you have accompanied her with much prayer and sacrifice. That is why you can also think your way into it and take all the strains upon yourselves. I thank you all for your understanding and sacrifices.

The dangers with evil I will exclude. These dangers unfortunately include their children, because they are controlled by evil.

Often one does not even notice it, because the evil one is cunning. They have given themselves to grave sin and do not confess their guilt, but continue to persist in it.

All who lie in grave sin, I will separate from you for your safety. You shall bring love to My daughter Catherine and nothing but love. She will feel this and she will willingly follow your demands. Love will be able to heal them, for this takes place in the supernatural.

If only many people would include more of the supernatural things, then the whole life would be more grateful. I love all people and attract them to My heart, to My Divine Heart. There they shall experience the security.

I Am the truth and the life. Without me you can do nothing and cannot live. Come to me all you who are laden, I will refresh you.

My beloved Katharina has now, to her sorrow, said a willing 'yes father'. That is why I am with her every day. She'll feel it. Where I have put her, she will even be happy. She has a different perception of satisfaction in her environment. She can give something to others and that even makes her happy. Leave them in this happiness, even if you do not understand it. I acknowledge it and I look at her ready heart and that is important to me. You cannot change anything. Accept everything as it is. Then I will strengthen you and you will accomplish much that you have not done so far. You do not have to understand everything. Rely on My help. This alone will be successful. I never ask for more than you can bear.

Thank you again for your efforts in My House of Glory. You have arranged everything according to my wishes. It was a wonderful harmony that you developed among yourselves. You will be able to travel there again quite soon, as it corresponds to my wish and will. It will only be for a short time, as I allow it.

During this time My daughter Katharina is visited by people who mean well with her and who did not leave her alone even in the most difficult times. I will guide these people and they will be equipped with Divine Love.

For the children of My daughter Katharina this home is closed from now on. I have to run it this way, because the bad guy is going around. I want to protect My beloved daughter Katharina.

Thank this nursing staff of the home who are exemplary in their behavior and also thank the director, because they are all led by Me. Many there do it out of great charity and I evaluate this in their later life. They earn the sky with it.

Pray with My daughter Catherine and speak quite often of faith. This will strengthen them, because I will warm their heart. Trust more deeply, for my love is unfathomable.

I love you and bless you in the Trinity with My and your dearest Heavenly Mother, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I bless you now especially for this long and arduous journey to your home country. You will need almost six hours for the journey home. A crowd of angels will accompany you and nothing will happen to you. With glorious sunshine you will be accompanied, for when angels travel, heaven laughs.

Live love, for love is the greatest. I am with you every day, you will not be left alone. Trust more deeply in my omnipotence.


