Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, June 13, 2018


The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 4:30 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, your dearest Blessed Mother, speak now through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today, on Fatima Day and Rosa Mysika Day, June 13, I would like to give you some particularly valuable information so that you do not sink into hopelessness during this time.

My beloved children of Mary, you are precious to Me because you believe in the omnipotence of God. You are now preparing yourselves for the end times. Receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance and repent of your sins with all your heart. The Pius Brotherhood is ready to receive your confession.

Stay away from the modernist churches where the people's altar is still present and communion is distributed as standing hand communion .

My children, do you still not realize that this does not bring reverence to My Son? My son is very sad about this, because the graces only flow on the sacrificial altars.

Today, My beloved children of Mary in Heroldsbach, you have celebrated a true Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. according to the DVD in the hollow in Heroldsbach. They were hours of grace which you, My beloved pilgrims, spent together. There is much blessing going on for you and beyond for others who believe. Take this blessing with you to your home towns.

My beloved children, this last time is the most difficult time for you, because not everything will go according to your wishes. I have other plans, which you cannot see through and which I cannot yet make understandable to you, because you know neither the present nor the future. At the moment you would not understand anything. Don't lose courage and above all be patient.

Believe me, in the future much will change, because I have the scepter firmly in my hand. No one can snatch it from me, because I am the creator of the whole world and also of all mankind.  People often forget that I created the world. It is to be explained by evolution that the creation of the world depends on men and not on me.

There is a Divine Law and that is the Bible. They must not be changed or modernized. They are revelations that really happened and not fairy tales. Only in the truth is the only true Catholic faith worth living.

The world is changeable and there are time streams. What must never be changed is the Word of God. It will remain for all eternity.

My beloved ones, in this modernistic time one tries to change the church laws in order to have a more pleasant life .

Unfortunately, even today one tries to determine the child's blessing oneself. Can this still correspond to the order of God, My beloved children of Mary? .

Children come out of a good and loving marriage community. One cannot determine when they may be born. Nor can they be determined by artificial insemination. If no children are born out of a good marriage, it is God's wish. Why do you want to know if it is good for you to have a child and what time you consider appropriate for the birth of that child?

Only the will of God is the guideline. Dear mothers, please take the bodily fruit of your little creature that is growing within you as it is intended for you. Accept your children as they come and they will be a blessing for you. Even a mongoloid child can be there for the joy of the parents. One must not prevent the birth or even kill it in the womb.This leads to many psychological problems. My beloved children, you will experience much suffering when you have a child killed in your womb. You prevent it from coming into the world according to your plan.

If you have already had an unwanted child killed, repent in a good confession with all your heart; Come to Me at My mother's heart and let yourselves be comforted, because only faith can help you to bear this suffering. I am with you and will bring your repentance before the Heavenly Throne. I cannot see you suffer because I am your Mother, your Heavenly Mother, who understands your background and who will never reject you if you feel a true repentance. .

My beloved ones, come with all sorrows before the face of My Son, before the Blessed Sacrament. After the Holy Sacrificial Mass on the DVD you will find Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Observe this daily worship. It is healing for you all.

I know, My beloved ones, that in this last time, the end times of the Heavenly Father, you have to suffer very much; Sacrifice all the difficulties that come upon you. Do not constantly complain about your suffering. It is your very personal cross that each one of you must bear to earn heaven. It is not possible without suffering, because man rarely finds faith and love in the good days. .

When you make sacrifices, a willingness to be there for the other person takes place in your soul. All of you, My beloved ones, have to fight the self-will in you. Listen to your soul. It strives for the good, ultimately for the divine.

Satan tries again and again with his cunning to beguile you and persuade you to do evil. Learn to recognize the spirits of discernment. The good is always the hardest and costs overcoming. But it also means happiness, the true happiness.

My Son has given you the commandments so that you may have a guideline to recognize what is right in daily life It is not a punishment and discipline of God, but a help. Align yourselves with these commandments, and you will not go astray. .

I love you and am every day anxious to lead you to the Father, ultimately to the Triune God. You will never be left alone. Unite yourselves daily with the supernatural, attend the Holy Sacrificial Supper and pray the Rosary daily. Take the time for this. Then you will be prepared for the second coming.

I bless you, your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Free yourself from all worries in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, for there you will find true consolation. The love of God will embrace you.

Holy sacrificial mass in the hollow in Heroldsbach.


