Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fourth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and only repeats the words that come from Me. .

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I love you all and I want you to have full protection in the coming time, because you give me so much joy. You contribute to the spreading of the true Catholic faith. You will be overflowing with the Holy Spirit, for you receive the gifts of your deep faith, which you want to convincingly pass on.

My beloved ones, in today's reading you have learned that the time of suffering has come. Be ready for these sufferings. These are the joys of heaven.

Has not My Son Jesus Christ taken upon Himself the greatest sufferings for your redemption? These sufferings cannot be compared with the future glory. Your longing for the eternal wedding feast will be revealed in you. You also satisfy My longing to be allowed to reward you once for all for your many sacrifices that you bring in the world. .

The whole creation is in labor pains and longs for perfection.

My beloved believers, you will be rewarded. A little while longer and the truth will be brought to light everywhere, not because I want to punish people but because I feel sorry for them. I love My creatures and I want no one to go astray and fall into the eternal abyss where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

My little one, you have twice been allowed to experience a part of the eternal fire of hell. You were shocked by this sight for days and it will remain in your memory forever. For this reason, you strive to endure everything for the erring priests in prayer and sacrifice, to save all from the eternal fire.

My beloved children, be ready to become fishermen of men, because My time has come.

You have recognized many changes in the firmament and praised my omnipotence. Unfortunately, there are many people who still want to fathom these miracles, yet there is nothing to fathom according to human judgment.

My children, I send you like sheep among wolves. Be brave and fight for the truth. You know that lies are turned into truth to deceive mankind and lead them into confusion. .

My beloved priest son Rudi. Today you celebrate your 62nd consecration day. I congratulate you for remaining faithful to Me despite the great challenges. I am the good shepherd for you and you have put on the shepherd's garment for your holiday.

You are persecuted and you pray and bless your enemies and persecutors. No priest is indifferent to you, because you want to enlighten everyone about the value of the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass. You experience holiness in every Holy Mass, because you are so close to heaven. Nothing is too much for you to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast every day.

I thank you today for all your sacrifices. I thank you for your sacrificial walk in your hometown. You have gone through a path of suffering. You were rejected everywhere, but you did not give up and prayed and hoped that a priest would be willing not only to receive this truth but to put it into practice. Now you think all was in vain after all.

I tell you, My beloved priestly son, I was with you on your pilgrimage and I accompanied you; .

The Holy Spirit was not idle in you and gave you the words that you could not control yourself. You have made yourself unpopular because people did not want to hear of my truth. .

Exactly in the same way, My Son and priest, it also happened with the Heavenly Mother. She, too, was not granted admittance. She was rejected, although my own son became man in her. He was not received into His property, and no one wanted to grant admittance to the Son of God. Nowhere has He found an inn, although He was the Son of God. .

How wounded was my father's heart. I have sent My Son to earth to redeem men. Before He was born, He was already rejected, nowhere was a place ready for Him and He had to be born in a sheepfold. How poorly did He come into the world? And yet people still reject Him today and prefer their prosperity. The comforts of today's life in the world put men first and do not think of eternal life. .

My beloved father children, you are my favored ones because you walk the arduous path of faith and you will continue to fight for the truth. You bear the persecution, because you love your enemies and pray for them. The love of your enemies makes you strong, because you do not give up, although evil is said of you and you are even dragged before the courts. .

I have strengthened you by the Holy Spirit which I poured out on you on the feast of Pentecost. This time of Pentecost, in which you find yourselves, is a time of grace, which you perceive willingly and joyfully. It gives you an inner joy that cannot be taken away from you.

Today you have heard in the Gospel of the rich fishing. You too will become fishermen of men. I send you, for you have received the order to send. Stay true to him and do not leave this steep path. He leads to eternal glory.

My beloved ones, now everything will be brought to light. My time has come as I want to save many from eternal damnation. They are My creatures whom I love immeasurably and I want to save not only some, but all who accept My streams of grace.

My beloved ones, from a Holy Mass of Sacrifice emanate so many streams of graces that you cannot measure, because this true sacrificial banquet is the renewal of the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross. It is pure holiness. For every priest who celebrates this Sacrificial Feast, heaven will open and choirs of angels will rise and descend adoringly. .

Therefore, My little one, fall on your face today during the transformation and experience an ecstasy. You comment this ecstasy to receive special powers for the coming day. You, My little flock, will feel daily that superhuman things are demanded of you, which can only be mastered with grace and Divine Power.

Everything, my beloved little flock is the providence of heaven. Pay attention again and again to the small events of the day, in which I, the heavenly Father, direct and guide you in all foresight. You are My beloved and chosen ones who follow My plan and will in its entirety.

Pass it on that my ways are indeed unfathomable, but they are paved with divine love. Take the stumbling blocks and do not complain about your sufferings and everyday worries. I know about everything that moves you and you will not be left alone. The Heavenly Mother will also accompany your ways. She is concerned about you and will take motherly care of you  .

You will never lack maternal care. With how much love she leads you to my throne and asks for your concerns that burden you. Many things I, the Heavenly Father, ask of Me, whatever I, the Heavenly Father, grant her, I, the Strong, because I beg her so lovingly. In her motherly concern I cannot refuse her anything, because you, My beloved ones, cannot imagine with what love she solicits for your salvation. She fights directly for your salvation. Only a Heavenly Mother who never gives up in order to protect her beloved Mary's children can do this.

My children of Father and Mary, you stand in My succession, bear your sufferings in patience, especially in this time. Become fishermen of men. Take every opportunity to spread the Gospel, because the time of silence is over. Accept the struggle to spread the faith and do not pay attention to the attacks coming your way. Be aware that the evil one is cunning and wants to dissuade you from your plan. .

You will win the crown of victory in this faith struggle. Believe and trust, for all heaven works in you. You will experience miracles of grace and people will read of your strength. In this strength of faith you will be admired. Do not let up and sacrifice everything.

I love you and am with you every day, your Father who loves you. .

Seize every opportunity to think of your fellow brothers because the time of my coming is ripe. Spread My love, so that even the unbelievers cannot resist My true divinity. .

I bless you with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed be My beloved ones, you will obtain the crown of victory. Hold on for a little while longer and bear your suffering in patience.


