Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Saturday Cenacle.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11.30 am.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory speak today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is in the Will of the Heavenly Father and repeats today the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, the day before the Feast of the Heavenly Father is celebrated, I would like to share with you some special instructions.
I am so very grateful that the Heavenly Father is celebrating His feast tomorrow. Many people do not know about this festival. Therefore, the Heavenly Father rejoices over the faithful who want to bring much joy to the Heavenly Father and have done so. He thanks the many pilgrims and believers who sent him beautiful bouquets in his honor. This honor is hereby bestowed upon him. The Heavenly Father thanks you, My beloved ones.
I, your dearest Mother of God, speak today of the power of the Holy Spirit. As you know, I am the Bride of the Holy Spirit. I may impart to you many graces. You have rushed today, at My Cenacle, into My safe refuge. There you will find security and peace.
What is the situation with people today. They rush to these destinations to seek their peace and quiet. They are in search, yes they want to escape from their own self. They are searching and yet they find no fulfillment. The time they seek in the resorts is an unfulfilled time. They are looking for the true happiness, which they will certainly not find there. Your soul longs for another happiness and for a satisfaction that the world cannot give. The worldly pleasures are not enough to fill your soul.
Their longing remains unfulfilled when they return home .
If only you, My beloved children, would seek true happiness? Your soul craves for it and you do not feel it. Why don't you ask for the supernatural? Why is prayer no longer important to you? If only you would maintain daily prayer in your families, your soul would have a little food. The Sunday holy mass of sacrifice is so important. But where do you find them? In your home towns, the modernist meal community is celebrated for the most part. No graces flow there. You feel it, and yet no one can express what is actually missing. People are really ashamed today to talk about the Catholic faith. One does not know whether one is understood and, moreover, ridiculed. One does not want to bear this mockery. So they say indifferently, then I can stay at home, if I am not allowed to pass on my faith and in addition I am ridiculed and ridiculed.
But the Holy Spirit blows where he wants. There are so many new awakenings in the Catholic Church today as young people unite to let the Holy Spirit into the doors of their hearts. They have opened their doors wide to the soul because they long for the food of the soul. This food is precious and cannot be replaced by anything else. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are inexplicable. The Spirit of God cannot be repressed, even if the evil spirit thinks that he has already achieved triumph. .
The loving and caring Heavenly Father cannot be fathomed and he does not let himself be seen in the cards. He remains the All-encompassing Great and Unfathomable Loving God. How should someone be able to grasp and fathom this Great Triune God?He remains unique. There is only one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. This is the true Church and there is only one catechism that must not be changed. Unfortunately, one tries in every way to harm the catholic faith.
How quickly the truth is interpreted ambiguously. One can turn it around and the real truth is interpreted as a lie. The evil one is cunning. Unfortunately, people feel it much too late, when the evil one has already intervened and led the people behind the scenes. The one tells the other and thus also the distortions arise and how quickly the truth then becomes a lie.
The Holy Spirit needs courageous people who have the firm faith and also testify to Him. Above all, one must be ready to stand up for faith. The believer must be able to confess the truth, even when mockery and contempt threaten.
It is not easy today to profess the true Catholic faith. But when the Holy Spirit flows into the heart and one is receptive to confess the truth, the evil spirits must flee.
My beloved children, bless yourselves with holy water before you leave the house and also when you return to the apartment, because you don't know the people you have met in the meantime. It is also a safe protection to wear the scapular on your clothes. People see it and ask for it. This is another way to spread the faith.
My beloved children, become courageous witnesses of truth and heroic testimony of faith. .
The Holy Spirit has the task of illuminating your souls with the light of divine grace and leading them to the path of holiness. Your path to holiness is through the Holy Spirit. It is not always easy to want to take the right path.
A certain stability is already required. You can acquire these if you walk the virtues of joy and gratitude. I will help you to do so. Go by My hand and learn from Me. I show myself as your mother and I want to encourage you to receive the gift of strength. You can learn them. Constant dripping wears the stone.
Love alone can renew the whole world. Only the spirit of love can form a new spirit of heaven and earth. The spirit of love can penetrate the hearts and form a new earth. Only the Spirit of Love can prepare the hearts, the souls, the Church and all humanity.
Thus you come to the times when the Holy Spirit will fill yourselves more and more in His Divine work. It is the end of the times in which you cannot fathom and explain many things with the human mind.
The people who have a firm faith are preferred. You don't knock them over that quickly. They have become more stable. Through fervent prayer and sacrifice and atonement they have gained much for themselves. They will be ridiculed. But they will not be harmed.
My beloved children, if you only remain on the path of holiness, the evil one cannot seduce you so quickly, even if he will try. You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. People will look at you and be amazed and want to emulate you. It will not be understood that you can draw so many people's attention because you keep your steadfastness despite the hostilities.
You are and remain my beloved ones, who are ready for sacrifices. Even if they must be hard sacrifices, you will not be immediately overthrown. Of course you will try. You are also the showpiece for many people. You will not become proud because you practice humility. A humble man does not become envious of others. He rejoices in the successes of others.
The Holy Spirit has the task to train your hearts to perfection and love. Thus he burns within you every fiber of selfishness and purifies you in the melting pot of countless sufferings. Do not be afraid, for you will endure these sufferings.
The Holy Spirit has the task of leading the Church to her renewed splendor, so that in imitation of your beloved Mother and Queen, she will be beautiful and without blemishes and she will spread the light to all the nations of the earth.
My beloved children of Mary, if you would only understand a little bit how much I want to draw you into holiness. You are worthy of Me, My beloved children of Mary. The Heavenly Father loves you immeasurably. Can you not imagine that the Holy Spirit will drive you into the arms of the Heavenly Father? The love of the Triune God will never cease.
Your love will advance, for you have been touched by this love. You cannot help but follow the words of the Heavenly Father. You are His children, who have become dear to Him. You have become precious to him.
Do not give up fighting, for the fight for heaven's sake is crowned with success and victory. I want to encourage you. I, your mother, will not give up accompanying you on the sure path of holiness. What can happen to you when heaven is with you? Do not be anxious, but trusting.
The Holy Spirit has the task of transforming all mankind so that it can become a new and earthly paradise where everyone can enjoy God and love Him and glorify Him.
I, your dearest Mother, cannot stop drawing you My beloved earth children more and more into the light of gratitude, so that you may experience the foretaste of heaven already on earth.
In the knowledge of the good, the Holy Spirit, you will be able to make many sacrifices to spread the love of faith to Him on this earth. You will not slacken, but you will advance, for you are the children of light. People will be amazed at your firmness. They will indeed try to make your souls stumble. But you will not succeed, because the fire of love has come into your souls. This fiery love cannot be taken away from you, even if you wanted to try.
You are called to be the apostles of recent times. Therefore the moment has come when My Immaculate Heart will be glorified before the Church and before all mankind.
You are the little children who are consecrated to Me and who are completely entrusted to Me. You are trained to prepare and realize the maternal triumph in the glorious triumph of My Son.
You have the task to proclaim the love and glory of your Heavenly Mother in all parts of the world.
In it My Immaculate Heart is glorified. My Immaculate Heart is glorified by you if you let yourselves be led with obedience on the way of purity and holiness.
You have been chosen and trained on the way of holiness to draw to yourselves people who have an open heart. You will be able to do nothing else but to form people of love. Remain steadfast, my beloved ones, because the Holy Spirit will guide you. You are not left alone and will not feel left alone either. The way of holiness is the narrow but surest way. Others will also be able to read it on you.
If only you could endure the folly of the Heavenly Father for a while, for He is training you to be witnesses of His Holiness.
My Immaculate Heart is glorified by you if you place yourselves totally at the full disposal of the spiritual needs of souls and thereby also place your personal service in the sacrament of reconciliation. You want to forgive others because this love was shown to you in the sacrament of penance. In this way the others shall also live on your gratitude.
I love you beyond all measure, My beloved children of Mary, who are entrusted to Me and I do not leave you alone. You are my beloved ones and the love of God shines in your souls because this radiation passes on to others.
I bless you now with the whole company of angels and with all the saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved, be ready for battle, for you are not left alone. The path is predetermined for all of you. You will not stray from this safe path if you persevere.