Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Eleventh Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11.30 am.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who lies in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock of beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today I would like to give you some important information and instructions for your daily life, which will point the way ahead for you. Sometimes you think you bring me joy with your daily work. But perhaps the Heavenly Father has something else planned for you at this time, which may not be so pleasant. Sometimes one should weigh up what is best.

Today, in a Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V, you have given heaven a joy, because you have celebrated the feast of the Heavenly Father. It is supposed to be celebrated in all catholic places on the first Sunday >/u> in August. But unfortunately, too few priests are informed about it and they are also not prepared to celebrate this feast on this day.

The Heavenly Father thanks all those who sent beautiful flower arrangements and bouquets in His honor. He was very happy that so much joy was given to Him through this. There are many who have decorated their household altars in an exemplary manner in the spirit of the Heavenly Father on this day as well. The joys of heaven are very great. The angels certainly also sang songs of joy and we also sang "Great God we praise you" at the end. It was a heavenly joy and a song of praise for us.

We cannot give the Heavenly Father enough honor. He created us and He wants to accompany us all our lives. He has given us His only Son and sent Him to the world to redeem us through His suffering on the cross.

His Son has instituted the seven sacraments for us to progress in holiness. He has also given us the 10 Commandments so that we may have guidelines to make our lives more worth living through the limits of these commandments. We feel when we reach the limits. But many people simply do not want to believe that we need these commandments for our protection.

We humans are faulty and sinful. We will always remain so. But out of love for us, the Heavenly Father has given us these seven sacraments through His Son Jesus Christ, so that we can take advantage of the Sacrament of Penance. There we can repent and confess our crimes. Then we are given the sanctifying grace and our sins are forgiven. Our burden of sin suddenly falls from our shoulders.

How far-sightedly the loving Heavenly Father thought of us. Our sins that we have confessed are forgiven forever and we don't need to burden ourselves with them anymore. If only we could tell many people about this deliverance of our sins? Unfortunately, many people do not believe in the so precious sacrament.

The priests do not go enough into the Holy Sacrament of Penance in their Sunday sermons. The people are not enlightened enough. They therefore travel to the places of pilgrimage to experience liberation there.

Also about the Sunday commandment too little is reported by the priests. It really is a grave sin if I do not give glory to the dear Lord on His feast day, Sunday. Otherwise I have no strength at all to cope with the daily routine with its many worries. I really need the supernatural power of heaven.

And how many worries are there in the families? How many marriages fall apart because people no longer pray together! One has forgotten how to pray, because it is also not common in many families.

One thinks of everything, how to arrange the day to have quite a lot of fun. But has one ever thought about whether the Heavenly Father is satisfied with it? Is He actually still included in our lives? Or has He already been put on the side? How quickly do we enjoy worldly pleasures and not even notice where the dear God, who created us out of love, has gone.

People no longer ask because it is not common to talk about the religious and therefore it will be forgotten very quickly. How quickly one falls into godlessness without realizing it.

Have you, My beloved children, ever thought about the fact that without the help of God it is not possible? He has created us so that we may feel His love on earth. He wants to be with us always and seeks our closeness. Do we also seek His nearness?

We must realize that without Him we cannot accomplish anything. He has created us to be with us always. He is the love. This love never ends. Even if we go other ways, He will observe our ways. But He waits until we turn to Him again. .

Faith is the freest decision of man. We are not forced to believe, but we are allowed to believe. There is a difference. The loving God is waiting for a counterproof of our love. He is not a demanding God and gives orders as we should be. He patiently waits until we are ready to respond to His proofs of love. He is love in person and this love cannot be outdone. It must not be compared with any other religion, because it is unique. Therefore there is only one catholic and apostolic faith. Our Catholic faith was established and handed down by Jesus Christ himself. That is why you must not change one iota of it. This is and remains a grave sacrilege, which must be atoned for in case of transgression.>/u>>/strong>.

We love with other masses. If someone has spoken an insult against us, our feelings are initially in turmoil. We want to go into the counterattack and first look for the error in the other one. But often it lies with us. We often do not feel that we have insulted the other person before. Therefore a confrontation occurs, which must first establish a balance within us. I must first ask myself: "Did I unknowingly hurt the other person?" Then I can apologize. So everything would be cleared up again. But if I am not able to apologize at the moment and I feel insulted, I have to start with myself first.

There remains also the possibility to ask for the illumination of the Holy Spirit. That would be a better way to avoid sticking to my own injuries. Then I think too much about myself and look at my egoism. Every person has his own ego. Only one should not put egoism in the first place.

It is a help, My beloved children. You see, your dearest Mother in Heaven wants you to get better and not get stuck with all the earthly problems. This only costs nerves and unnecessary time. You can use this time for prayer and pray for the other person.

It also benefits the enemies. My beloved Mary's children often do not notice this, because one spends too little time praying for the enemies. Too quickly they say: "They are supposed to take care of themselves and besides, they hurt me."

After all, we have a wonderful Catholic faith that leads to love of the enemy. Jesus Christ also prayed for His enemies, even under the cross. We want to follow Him and not cling to the trivialities. This should be a good resolution for us, so that we can feel better. It is simply advice that I can give you, My beloved children of Father and Mary, so that you can make your daily life easier.

I am always concerned about you, since you give me so much joy when you make an effort to live and spread the faith as well as possible. I am very grateful to you all for your readiness, for I love you immeasurably. .

Yes, it's easy to say, "We do have the Bible." Yeah, that's right. But do you really take the Bible into your hands every day? No, certainly not. The messages contain only pure additions to the Bible. Messages must be identical with the Bible, otherwise they are false prophecies or false messages. The true prophets can be recognized by the fact that they bear their suffering in an exemplary manner and do not rebel.

The Atonement Souls My beloved Father and Mary's children I have chosen myself. They do not appoint themselves and you do not complain about their suffering, which the heavenly Father has conceived for them. They want to help selflessly and do not think of themselves. Heavenly Father and not they themselves will heal them.

They do not put themselves in the foreground, but practice humility in the first place. .

They can't be proud at all, because they go through a purification that is certainly not easy. They do not complain that they suffer too much, but willingly accept them for the conversion of priests or other persons.

I wish that all this information will help you to better manage your daily life.

I bless you now with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready, My beloved children, to take this last stage with gratitude and confidence. The dear Blessed Mother will assist you in everything and will not leave your children alone. Be brave, for victory is certain for you. This is supposed to be your drive.


