Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, January 5, 2019
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 6:05 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats the words that come from Me today.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. On this day of My Cenacle I may give you some instructions from heaven so that you do not stray and succumb to evil in this present time.
As you see, My beloved children of Mary, it is time for people to convert and return to the True Catholic Faith. This Church has reached zero and there is no way to regain the holiness of the Only and Catholic Church.
It is a mockery how the catholic priests stamp their church into the ground. My Son Jesus Christ cannot recognize His own church. Heaven is weeping bitter tears over this interreligion, which bears no resemblance to the True Church. It needs a renewal. .
My beloved sons of priests, confess the One and True Catholic Church and celebrate again the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son, as it has been celebrated since eternal times. Then holiness returns and you do not need any other missionary work.
All are lacking the Only Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. My beloved priests, only then will the churches fill up again.
You will then need no foreign priests and also no women and laymen at the altars. .
Remove at last the grinding tables from your churches, for this is satanic. You worship the people and not Jesus Christ the Son of God. Where is the renewal of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross? .
My beloved sons of priests, have you completely forgotten what you promised in your ordination hour? You have broken that promise. Are you not aware of this? Do you want to come to the altar with this grave sin? You are in charge and you cannot avoid it.
I warn you today My beloved sons of priests return to the old tradition. It is the very highest alert. Confess your holiness. The faithful long for the truth and you deny it to them. Does not your conscience beat day and night? .
I want to take you back. You are the chosen ones of My Son.
My beloved children, do you not see how the apostasy is progressing rapidly? It can only be stopped by prayer. Therefore pray, pray, pray without ceasing. There is no other way but to take the Rosary in your hands. Form prayer chains, because I, as Heavenly Mother, want to be at your side. How few believers ask me, as their mother and as Savior.
My beloved ones, look at the enslavement today. You will be enslaved in your own country. You are deprived of your freedom in your homeland, although this is anchored in the Basic Law.
Unfortunately, today's Catholics therefore no longer profess and testify to their True Faith. They are afraid of the consequences, because Islamization has gone in wide circles, yes, it has already made your Germany a Muslim country. .
What did the former martyrs do? They have given their lives for faith and died for faith.
How does it look today? To this unspirit, which has come everywhere, the faithful are silent up to the highest ranks of the Catholic Church. You see everything as normality. It is relativism that has come. Everything is done the same. One no longer asks oneself whether one has fallen into delusion. You go there in the same stream because everyone does it. Then it cannot be a grave sin.
One does not think about life after death, for after life everything is over. This also says the urn burial. Every second Catholic is already being burned. My beloved ones, that is a grave sin; Return to the truth and do not be deceived. Reject this form of burial and decide for an earth burial. .
My beloved ones, you feel that the persecution of Christians is in full swing. Do you also want to contribute to the crushing of your own Catholic faith?
I would like to help you and stand by you. You shall not feel left alone. I want to be among you and pour out the full protection over you. Why do you not turn to me, your mother in heaven? Have I become so strange to you? Does one not always call on the mother in need? So call me also, so that I can hurry to your help. I wait for your calls for help. A mother will never abandon her children but will always protect them.
My children, you are in the greatest need. Your superiors, the cardinals and bishops are silent on these serious incidents of abuse in this church. They do not want to express themselves, in order not to be drawn into it themselves. Is that the responsibility? Does this still correspond to her vocation?
My beloved ones, you are called to be apostles of the Catholic Church and are in charge. How will you be a good example for the believers? Where is Your Holiness? Put on your priest clothes again, so that you can also work in God's commission.
Have you not felt that you can no longer exercise any priestly power? They do not even recognize you? Why should one take your advice? You have mingled among the people and are not recognized as priests. How do you want to act as pastors?
Through intercommunion you have caused My Son great suffering. The Blessed Sacrament is no longer venerated. Every unbeliever has the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ in Holy Communion, whether he is in grave sin or not. What kind of indignation? Can you still be silent there, My beloved ones? .
And what about the unborn life? Here too you are silent. One makes a law that one can kill or even bestially kill the life in the womb still in the last month. Does the child in the womb have no right to life? Is it possible to simply kill a creature of heaven if it is born at a time when it is not wanted? Can one determine life itself?
My beloved ones, also the nature of God is in complete disorder. Nature is rearing up. Nowhere can you feel comfortable. Everything is manipulated.
A new world order is being prepared. The human being becomes a transparent individual. He is controllable and his own freedom is taken away. Why should this chip be implanted in every human being? He is under constant observation. Every human being should be taken away from freedom in order to be able to manipulate it.
My children, why don't you take your anchor of salvation, the rosary? Time is hurrying, My beloved ones .
How many times have I admonished you as Heavenly Mother and wanted to draw you to My motherly heart? Why do you not listen to My pleading words?
Don't you feel the evil spirit in your families? The disputes do not end because of the lack of faith. One begins the day without prayer and ends it without.
All pleasures are taken, but there is no time for prayer. Very few families take part in a Sunday sacrificial mass today. Since they are addicted to modernism, they do not feel that the evil one is ruling over them.
You live in grave sin and do not realize it. No priest today is prepared to denote this grave sin. It is seen as normality, because hell no longer exists. The satanic power has receded into the background. One no longer believes in Satan. That is why the satanic powers are gaining the upper hand.
None of the priests takes care of those possessed by the devil. They are admitted to psychiatric clinics and are anaesthetized with drugs.
Mental illness is on the increase, because charity has been weakened. One does not worry about one's neighbor, for man has become an egoist. Everyone has his own worries and does not care about the other person who is in need.
In addition, migrants are now flooding our German territory. Our German country is in danger of being betrayed and sold. The migration pact has been signed. The treason of nations began in Germany and in the European countries.
Soon the epidemics will also increase. These diseases are infiltrated to destroy us. One disease after the other will take hold of us. We Germans have become foreigners in our own country.
Do you not feel that the Catholic faith should be undermined? Where are the cardinals and bishops who have taken responsibility for our faith? They are in a deep sleep and are silent. Besides, they live in the worst impurity. .
Shall the loving Heavenly Father still watch? Will he not have to let the wrath come over mankind? Has He not already intervened?
Where is His wrath to be found? Aren't there enough disasters around the world today? Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and the many incurable diseases?
People ask themselves: "Where is the dear God? My beloved children, men themselves cause these events and they do not realize that there is still a creator to whom everyone has to answer. .
Where is the cry, My beloved ones? Are you in the sleep of death? Then I want to awaken you, my beloved ones. I am the mother of the redeemed, and I would not that you all should sink into the eternal abyss. .
Look, My beloved ones, My little prophetess makes herself available again and again to give you important messages and to save you. She gives her time to this world mission and does not stop shouting these instructions to the whole world.
My beloved ones, look quite soon into the 11th book when it is printed. It shall help you to be a guide in these turbulent times. .
Do not give up, My beloved ones, nor is it time to bring about a change in the Catholic faith; I will help you and finally lead you to the Heavenly Father. .
Be ready for this very last reminder. The intervention is just around the corner. I can no longer hold back the arm of wrath of the Heavenly Father.
You are My beloved children and I care for you with motherly love.
I bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.