Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Epiphany, Feast of the Magi.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:55 and at 18:20.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, give you today the instructions you need this year not only to walk the path of holiness, but to continue on it.

My beloved ones, it will not be easy for all of you not only to accept and bear your crosses, but to continue hopefully on the way.

There will be many stones in the way. You will often ask yourself: "Does it still make sense to continue on this path? Everyone rejects me and my faith. How can I continue without giving up?"

My beloved ones the way of the star of Bethlehem is also your star, which will show you the way of faith. It is your very personal star. Follow this star in this desert of unbelief. Then one day you will find the fulfillment of your life, even if only in the world beyond.

Often you will have to experience the senselessness. Then, my beloved ones, go forward, for forward goes your way. Does not stop.

Go to the Heavenly Mother and beg for her help. Ask for the help of your guardian angels and also ask for the help of the saints. They are all your intercessors. .

But please go your own way alone. This way is meant for you alone. None of you can go this your way. This is what makes up your personality.

You have proved that you want to carry your cross. You have not thrown it away, nor have you rejected it. I thank you for your comfort.

You have so far been a help to me in all my suffering, which mankind imposes on me anew, because I am being crucified anew. I seek still further faithful, who are ready to go this hard way and who want to take up their cross.

But what happens next? Do you want to give up when hopelessness seizes you? I do not leave you in this most difficult time of unbelief, my beloved ones. I will not leave you even if you take the wrong path, if the Star of Bethlehem does not shine on you and whispers false knowledge to you.

You, my believing children, are today again in a heathen land. Unbelief and confusion surround you. Where can you draw new hope?

All in your surroundings, even the closest relatives, leave you on this way. They cannot even understand you. They will mock you and even persecute you. You see, this way is the stoniest way, full of garbage and desert in your surroundings.

You will be all alone and no one will understand you that you want to continue on this path of holiness. The sheer hatred will strike you. .

Even now you will still leave your free will to me. May I, the heavenly Father, still be your pearl in the field? Will you also love me above all, even if all want to leave you?

>u>You will be alone. You will ask about the meaning of your life. "Where are You, Heavenly Father on the path of persecution."

Nothing will you understand, my beloved believers and you my following.  Your own will is of importance to you. Your own ego comes to bear with you.

My beloved children and also you, my followers It is the beginning of my time, and there I, your heavenly Father, must demand the utmost of you.  My time is not your time, for it is measured differently.

You must be equal to the currents of time, otherwise you cannot lead the remaining flock.

Many mentally ill people will be in the near future. You have to be able to listen to them and accompany them on their way to reintegrate them into life. For this you need a lot of tact and sensitivity, which most people have lost today.

You must go to the school of education of your dearest Heavenly Mother. She will teach you the virtues. She is the best educator.

Despair not when I must demand much of you. Your life needs purification. The more suffering you experience, the more grateful you may be. The cross is the best remedy. Only in the cross is salvation. Please do not reject the cross either, which is not only uncomfortable for you, but also appears incomprehensible. Just this can bring you the richest fruit.

You, My little daughter, are experiencing the greatest and most incomprehensible suffering. You have a very big responsibility for the world to bear.  It is not for nothing that you carry the World Mission on your shoulders. .

I have chosen you and have often asked you, "Are you still willing to carry this or that cross for the world mission or the priests of today's modernist church? You told me a ready "yes father" every time. You have completely transferred your own will to me. I have often used you as a plaything and have thrown you back and forth. But your approval of the cross did not waver.

I have taken away your dearest, your longtime friend Katharina. For 30 years you have shared joy and sorrow together. When I love a person very much, I often take away what is dearest to him, because he is put to the test.

Now you wanted to accompany her on her path of suffering until her death. But you have been unjustifiably and wisely banned from your home one by one by their children. You have taken it upon yourself and have not thrown down the cross. You put yourself under the cross and did not complain about the adverse circumstances.

Now the only thing that is important to you is to be able to visit your girlfriend according to her wishes at the designated cemetery in your home town. But even that has not been granted to you yet.

You visited your girlfriend daily in all hospitals and homes, as the house prohibitions allowed. You suffered with her and were with her in the last hours before her death. You have been called a sectarian and treated with hatred. You have endured that, too, for heaven's sake.

Now you will also have to endure the last injustice. Everything will come as heaven has provided. Remember that your cross must be the greatest and most incomprehensible. Do not complain. You will see that heaven alone will understand you. .

Take everything on your shoulders when you are dragged and accused in court and thank you for the humiliations. Then you can earn heaven for others, including your persecutors. Be brave My little one, as you have been so far. I love you with divine love.

You will not understand why I did not heal your dearest friend. I am the Almighty Omniscient and Almighty Triune God. I alone could have healed her from her serious illness. Yet it is precisely this humiliation that you need for your sanctification.

My beloved ones, can you compare my love with your counter-love? No, certainly not. No one will ever be able to understand my love. I love the greatest sinner and even the greatest criminal until the last moment of each life. I never stop loving. .

Your love is transitory. It is often dependent on your moods. Very few ready believers will go all the way of faith until the end. The way is too stony and too incomprehensible to them. But I, the Triune God, must make these demands of you. Only then will you be ready to take everything upon yourselves and be able to accept my purification. .

Believe and trust, for I am the loving Father who embraces you with divine love. You My children are defective and will always remain sinful. This is why I offer you the Holy Sacrament of Penance, which will sanctify you. It is also a means of education that will help you to better recognize your sinfulness. Use it as often as you can. Therefore, repent of your sins with all your heart and confess them in a good confession. The appropriate confessor will be given to you if you have the sincere will to avail yourself of this sacrament. .

>>u>And now for my second coming. How few people believe in it. All My ambassadors are persecuted and denied. They are punished for their atonement, because you don't even believe them.

My little prophetess has had severe atonement sufferings for 14 years and she was disregarded in the worst way and on top of that she was insulted as a sect. She will continue to endure these atonement sufferings, for one illness alternates with another. But she is still willing to receive the many and long messages and to write them. Despite her constant pain, she will endure everything for heaven's sake and give the world these instructions.

A time will come, my beloved ones, when men will long for the Word of God, because no one is godly and publicly testifies to the faith. Then these messages will be snatched from their hands and also the 11 books will be ordered in the libraries. So far these books have sold very well. The Mainz print shop in Aachen reports on this.

My beloved, the heavens are in play and not men.

Connect everything with the sky, then you will be able to experience the purest wonders. People who are unbelievers will soon feel that they are getting the biggest problems and that they cannot solve them.

My beloved ones, you will soon feel that incurable serious diseases are coming to you and you will not be able to research them. Nor will any medicine be invented for them, for they are in the providence of heaven. Heaven allows this chastisement, for men sin without measure.

The heavenly Father also wants to save these people and allows these diseases for their purification and sanctification. All mankind will be in great distress, because famines will also overtake them. Many things will not be understood and blamed on the dear God. .

But man himself has fallen into grave guilt. .

After the Second Vatican Council this massive apostasy began. One sin after the other followed and no change has occurred to this day.

My beloved, this council must be declared void. It has been written by people. The focus is on the comfort of the people and not on the loving and merciful Trinitarian God.>/strong>.

My beloved ones, do not be sad now if I have to put many crosses on your shoulders and separate you from your dearest relatives and acquaintances, if they do not want to follow the way of the True Catholic Church. They bring you additional suffering and cannot understand you.   Go your way of faith alone and take My warning seriously and do not turn it to the wind.

I bless you with all angels and saints and with your dearest Heavenly Mother in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My beloved children, stay on the safe path of faith and do not let yourselves be diverted from the broad stream of worldly pleasures. You are the chosen ones and you will be rewarded a hundredfold in eternity. Remain faithful to heaven. You are loved with all the fibers of love and you are the preferred ones.


