Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Feast of the Holy Family.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 4:30 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I would like to give you some information that you should consult.

In this most difficult time when Satan is reaching out his claws to all people who still want to believe and fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father, it is important for you, My beloved children, to practice true humility.

Look how little Jesus went into the temple at the age of twelve and showed obedience to Me the Heavenly Father. He testified there with the scribes Me the Father. He pointed out to His mother Mary that He had to be in what is His father's. How difficult it was for Him to cause His mother and His foster father, Saint Joseph, this grief by having to search for Him for three days.

Even today it will not be easy for many children to obey their parents. What is the situation in today's families? Do children really obey their parents even today? In most cases no more. Then disputes arise within the individual families. Parent couples also disagreed about the habits of their children. Often no agreement is possible and therefore the marriage breaks up and a divorce is filed.

Do you not believe, My beloved couples, that your children suffer? Would it not be possible to unite you together in prayer so that your quarrels might be buried? Through prayer, peace will be able to enter your hearts and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit will also be made possible.

I give you urgent counsel, do not immediately throw your love overboard, but unite.  First be sure that each of you has faults and should accept the faults and weaknesses of the other. .

Otherwise the life of a happy marriage is not possible. Marriage means a sacrificial life for all of you. If you have understood this and also show the other person that you want to be there for each other, then the marriage will last. Do not give up immediately, but hold together firmly. Don't try to change your partner, but only you alone can change if you are honest with each other.

I love you all and want to stand by you. Ask Me for your support. I will place your dearest Heavenly Mother at your side who surrounds you motherly.

This feast of the Holy Family today is meant to be a guide for your life in faith. Only faith makes it possible to overcome all hurdles and to be able to persevere. .

As it says in the reading today: "Draw on compassionate mercy, kindness, humility, modesty, patience. Bear with one another and forgive one another when one has to complain about the other. As the Lord forgives you, so shall you also do. But above all, have love - it is the bond of perfection, and the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, for you are called to this as one body. Show gratitude. In rich abundance dwell the word of Christ in you. Teaches and admonishes in all wisdom. Praise God with a grateful heart with psalms, hymns of praise and spiritual songs. All that you do in word or deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and give thanks to God the Father through him".

These are words of heaven, my children, you will strengthen and not want to give up immediately. My beloved children, marriage is a sacrament, a seal in your hearts. Marriage is and remains indissoluble in the Catholic Church. .

Do not fall into the delusion that there is a "marriage for all" as this present pope propagates it. To bless a homosexual marriage is a grave sin. These priests load the guilt and sin onto their own shoulders and must answer for it once before the eternal judge.

Only a few exceptions are possible for marriage annulment.

My beloved, even in a second connection you will not be happy. The dissolution of a marriage always requires both spouses. No shift of debt should be made. This does not lead to an agreement and causes the misfortune.

My children, do you also want to receive the sacrament of a worthy communion? Unfortunately, this offence is allowed and legalized today.

What about your conscience then? Have you already killed it or are you adapting to the general public to swim in the broad stream of the world? It is easy to say with the words: "After all, everyone does it, why shouldn't I be allowed to do it?"

I will protect you from a new misfortune, My beloved ones, because I am your loving Father. I watch over you and want to save you from grave sin.

Now you ask yourselves, what is sin today? Unfortunately, the authorities of the Catholic Church are silent about sin.

It is your own conscience that will beat, and the second marriage will certainly not be happy, because what begins with sin cannot lead to a good end .

If you knew, My beloved ones, how your Heavenly Mother fears for your souls. She fights for every soul that is in danger. She never ceases to save her beloved children under her mantle. .

Receive the Sacrament of Penance, confess your guilt and begin with good, new intentions. Connect with the supernatural, do not ignore prayer, especially the Rosary. Then your life will succeed in true faith. .

After a failed marriage I strongly advise you, My beloved believers, to remain alone and devote yourselves to your children in need. Then you can also receive the sacrament of Holy Communion and do not commit grave sin. Live the True Catholic Faith in all consistency. Then you will also be an example for others.

Let not your acquaintances or even relatives disconcert you, but form your own opinion. Remain steadfast in faith because only steadfast men can keep and confess their true faith in this confused time. .

What about Islamization today? Are there still True Catholic Christians who publicly testify to their faith? There are very few of them, who are often labeled naive or even insane.

My children, do you also belong to these godless or god-distant believers? Why do I again and again throw you a straw so that you can grasp it and do not sink into this chaos of the time. .

I love all My creatures and want to save all without exception. But not all of them are ready for this rescue. .

If we do not return to the old tradition, the number of people leaving the Catholic Church will increase. There are hardly any role models left who, dressed in priestly clothing, want to help people in pastoral care.

They want to organize their time themselves and also pursue their own hobbies. The world with its many pleasures lures them. .

If a priest does not intensively live out his priestly life, he will soon fall into the worldly and general stream. The reading of the breviary will become less and less, or will stop completely. One serious sin will follow another, up to and including marriage, the abolition of celibacy and priestesses at the altar.

Then follows the serious sin of homosexuality and child abuse. The devilish actions are becoming more and more serious, because Satan does not stop at the serious sin.>/strong>.

My beloved sons of priests, wake up at last when your beloved Jesus wants to save you from everything heavy. I, your Heavenly Father, want to enlighten you through My messages and not lead you astray.

You walk in My footsteps and are My followers. Remember, you are hated by everyone. But be not troubled, for the eternal joys of heaven await you.

I bless you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


