Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, January 20, 2019

Second Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:15 and 17:35.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, will give you today, the second Sunday after the apparition, a special and important message that will influence your whole life. It is my time and this time will be fruitful for you all.

As I had informed you, many things will happen which you cannot understand. You will not be able to explain it. It says that I the Almighty and All-powerful God will intervene.

It is my world, it is my creation in which man has intervened. This world has been systematically destroyed by man. Everywhere, My beloved children, now a chaos has arisen. No one will be able to restore order  .

I, the mighty and great God, will now intervene No one will be able to fathom my plan, because it cannot be understood humanly. It is a divine plan that cannot be thwarted. .

My beloved children, isn't it incomprehensible to you too that the greatest murders of the unborn life in the womb are not punished? On the contrary, according to the latest paragraphs, one advocates today that one may continue to murder and also go unpunished.

My children, is that still acceptable? Will you finally wake up from the sleep of death? These are atrocities that are committed. This must finally come to an end. I, the Heavenly Father, can no longer stand by and watch My little creatures being murdered.

Look at the mothers who had their child killed in the womb. They become unhappy and have to undergo psychiatric treatment. Even there they will not be able to help them.

My children, go to your dearest heavenly mother. She is the Mother who will understand you. She is waiting for you to help you.

Receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance and confess your guilt and repent of it with all your heart. Only this sacrament can free you from this unbearable guilt and wash you clean. This is your only and effective way. .

My children, and what about the whole Catholic Church? Is there anything else that can be corrected there? My church has been trampled on and destroyed. I, the Almighty Lord and God will rebuild them, for the gates of hell will not prevail against them.

The cornerstones of the church are the 10 Commandments and the seven sacraments. These were instituted by My Son Jesus Christ Himself. All must return to these pillars .

The Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V is indestructible and unchangeable. It is the repetition of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Anyone who changes this will be damned.

My beloved children, return to the old tradition and you will feel true peace in your hearts. You will find true happiness only in true faith. There is only one faith, the True Catholic Faith. All other religions are splinters of this faith. Return to the One Church, the True and Catholic Church, My beloved children, this Church offers you the assurance that you will find inner peace. .

It will not be easy for you, My beloved ones, to find your way in this present chaos of modernism. You can't get advice from anyone that is personally useful to you.

To each one of you who believes, My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, have assigned a personal task. You will not always follow this straight path in your life. Sometimes you err. But you will find your way back, because the foundation stone has been laid. Refer to your childhood. Your parents have taught you a school of prayer and you will become aware of this as you build your own life.

But what does it look like today, in this godless or godless time? Will young people become aware of their childhood? What does it look like here? Did today's youth still get a preparation for the coming independent life? Or has their religious life atrophied?

Does this youth have an interest in spreading the true Catholic religion? Where do young people today still find friends who are interested in the Catholic religion? If they try to profess their Catholic faith, they are ridiculed and mocked. How can they grow into a unity in faith? They must first find their way to themselves. This is of course difficult for them. Where is there a priest who is ready to lead and guide them pastorally?

As you know, My beloved children, the priests themselves are in delusion They cultivate homosexuality and this ends up in child abuse. Where have My chosen priests ended up? They are stranded and do not know how to get out of this dilemma. They are misinformed and misled by their superiors, by their cardinals and bishops. They do not receive exemplary help.

So one thing leads into another and nowhere is this catastrophe stopped. .

My beloved children, there is only one way, and that is the way of the Holy Bible. But unfortunately the broad stream says: "We have the Bible and it is enough for us. It would be the right way, if one would confess the truth. But unfortunately, the majority of believers are not willing to take the Bible into their hands .

My beloved children, wake up, for it is the very last time to live your faith. This time on earth is a preparation time for eternal life. Each of you will be asked once at the Eternal Judgment whether your good works outweigh your evil. .

My children, walk in the true paths and do not be distracted from the true faith in this last time. As you know, the evil one is cunning and is only waiting for an opportunity to ensnare you.

My beloved and faithful, to each of you I have assigned a very personal task. You have been given special talents in the cradle. I have conceived these talents for you personally. If you take this path, you will not go astray. Only use your personal talents for good and not for evil. They will help you to peace and true happiness. .

My beloved ones, you are in the hardest fight of faith. You must learn to take up this struggle and not to give up. From all sides you will experience the opposite, that the confession of the true faith should be a hindrance for you. Do not listen to these words.

Pray fervently, the rosary. It is the ladder to heaven, which will help you to victory, and the daily psalms with adoration before the Blessed Sacrament will help you to stay on the right path. They will give you strength to persevere. You all know that it is a difficult path for you. But do not give up. I am with you and the dearest Heavenly Mother will provide you with her angels to protect you. Think also of the circle of light around you, which no one may enter who wants to harm you. .

As today's reading will tell you; brothers! We possess different gifts, according to the grace that has been given to us. If one has the gift of prophecy, use it in accordance with faith. If one has a church office, he remains with it. He who teaches teaches further; he who exhorts further exhorts. He that giveth, give in simplicity. He who presides, do it with zeal. He who shows mercy, do it with joy. -- Love be unfeigned. Hate evil, abide in good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, precede one another in reverence. Do not slacken in zeal, glowing in the spirit, devoted to the service of the Lord. Be cheerful in hope, patient in tribulation, persevering in prayer. Come to the aid of the Holy fellow Christians in their afflictions, make an effort to be hospitable. Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not. Rejoice with the cheerful, weep with the weeping. Be of one mind among yourselves. Do not seek after high things, but be content with the low. .

Side like the vines on the true vine. Then bring her true fruit. Do not forget the love that gives you the motivation to move forward. It is still a long and arduous road. But the Divine Love will drive you forward.

My beloved children, today you have heard in the Gospel the first miracle of the marriage at Canaan. As you see, the Heavenly Mother is always concerned to intercede for you with Her Son, the Son of God. She will also intercede for you, because she has the best relations with her son, who in turn cannot refuse her anything. He will also work wonders of grace through you.

Unfortunately it is the case with today's believers that they only believe when they experience true miracles.

But as you know, people have strayed so far that the proclamation of faith alone does not bring them conviction. That is why you, my beloved ones, again and again come up against your limits of faith transmission. You are paralyzed in your conviction and people simply do not believe you. Unfortunately this takes away the power of fighting. But I, as Heavenly Father, note your strength of will and thank you for your willingness. You give me true comfort in this dark and faithless world.

You, My little one, have still placed your increasing blindness at My disposal and sacrifice it as atonement for My priests so that they want and can repent. .

You all still need much patience in this time of apostasy, because the authorities of the Catholic Church are still not ready to celebrate the Only and Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It is the only and true way to missionize the whole of Christianity and the antipole against the progressive Islamization. .

But do not give up, for you are going the way of faith and you will be rewarded one day with the crown of victory in the Eternal Glory.

It blesses you with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


