Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Third Sunday after publication.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:05 and 17:45.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I have important information and instructions that should make the weight of your cross easier for you.
My beloved ones, I know about your worries and needs in this time of upheaval It is all incomprehensible to you that no change is being brought about. You ask yourselves, My beloved ones, "Why does the Heavenly Father still not intervene? .
My beloved ones, if at this moment I would let the judgment of wrath come upon mankind, hardly anyone would be saved. I know of the time, My beloved ones and I have not forgotten you, you who are in the deepest distress of faith and see no improvement despite much prayer.
You, my beloved ones, are those who will endure. It is the small flock that goes completely in my footsteps, namely, wants to go the path of persecution with all consequences. You do not ask yourselves when this will come to an end, but you have surrendered yourselves completely to my will. I know that you have much to suffer. But I thank you also for this decision that you want to take the path of persecution upon yourselves. .
When and where is the greatest persecution of Christians that will come upon you? You are already in it.
Can you still express your freedom of expression today? Or are you already being accused of this? Is this still in the truth? Do you not all orient yourselves according to the Basic Law, which is to protect you from arbitrariness? Is that still your common goal today? The goal is set. But you are exposed to arbitrariness.
People are becoming dissatisfied today and are taking action against each other. Is this the right Christian solution? Should I reward like with like? I must learn to forgive and forgive.
If one does evil to me, I shall repay it with good. This is our Christian way the only right way for you all. Can you understand this and also carry it out? .
I give you a guideline for your future life Think of the other and practice charity, which goes as far as love of the enemy. Then you are right and cannot miss. Of course this is also the hardest way. I, as Heavenly Father and I as the Son of God in the Trinity, have preceded you on this path.
All who want to follow me must want to remain on my ways. That requires much self-education. I cannot do what is just pleasant to me.
And now we are already at the 10 commandments. Have I not given you these commandments to be able to make your life worth living?>/strong>.
You cannot live there without limits. To live boundlessly is also to have no goal. Life becomes worthless, and people ask themselves, "Why do I live at all? Does it still make sense to want to live on like this?" .
My beloved ones, there is always a way to find life worth living and to bring Christian values to the fore.
Some do not recognize the valuable sides of a Christian life. When you surrender yourselves completely to my will, then you are in safe custody and cannot fall into delusion.
Since there is almost no Catholic priest in the present day who serves as an example to the faithful and lives and teaches the truth, you believers quickly become confused and do not know whom to turn to in your need. You lapse into wrong advice or fall into grave sins from which you can hardly worm your way out.
Therefore, My beloved ones, immediately follow the 10 Commandments and take advantage of the Sacrament of Penance, which will help you to keep your life in order. .
My beloved, and what is the world like today? Are there still true role models for you? Are there still true priests to whom you can orientate yourselves? Will they still teach you the true faith, and will they themselves be guided by the 10 commandments?
This homosexuality and the resulting child abuse are grave sin. One cannot simply make a cover-up to generalize. It is and remains a grave sin and it belongs in confession. There are also no exceptions.
The same is true for "marriage for all". This, too, cannot be covered up and all sorts of excuses can be found for the general public to allegedly bring the faithful back into the church. This too remains a grave sin and must be repented of and confessed. Now or later it will become a doom. It leads to a disorderly life and it does not lead to a happy life.
Everything that is assigned to grave sin leads to discord. One can squirm out of it no matter how, it is and remains an offence against the loving God and a grave insult to God.
I, your loving Father, want to give you new information again and again, so that you can find your way out of serious sin and lead an orderly life.
If you put Divine Love in the foreground, you do not want to offend this Great God, who loves you above all things. You know that you are loved and that you have been loved since eternity. You are children of light and not the children of darkness and unbelief. .
How much I fight for your salvation and soul life. I want to save you all, because I have given salvation to all of you. You can take advantage of this grace, for it is offered to all of you.
Just look at the many ills in this world? Do they come from true knowledge? No, they are all violations of the 10 Commandments.
Why do so many people transgress these commandments? It is easier to live in the world without commandments, because you have freedoms that you can live as worldly people.
But you, My beloved children, you live in the world but you are not of the world. You want to observe my commandments because you have recognized my love and do not want to live without it.
This again means sacrifice for all of you. Not many want to claim this sacrificial character.
You let yourselves be captivated by the many offered desires and do not think of the sin that inevitably follows.
Why are you so stubborn and let yourselves be carried away by the general stream? It only brings bad luck to all of you.
What else must I offer you that you want to go my way, the way of faith? You want to live in peace and yet you look like you're in trouble.
Already in your families you should learn to forgive each other and not always insist on your own will. See the other person in his own way and do not try to change him. You, My children, are all burdened with faults and will never be faultless. Therefore, you must forgive the other if agreement is to be reached.
There is no life without sacrifice. A good marriage requires a life of sacrifice. If you live it right, a partner as well as the other one has the desire to make the other happy.
My children, this is how it is all over the world. Looks into the economy or even politics. There is a striving for power there. There is no agreement on this either. The one wants to stand above the other and direct him.
How can you change this? My beloved children and believers, just reach out and pray the rosary. Who could understand you better than Our Lady? She loves your children and wants to bring them to Me, the Heavenly Father. This is your most fervent wish.
My beloved children, pray, pray, pray and do not let yourselves be influenced by the people of the world. This is the greatest evil that can happen to you. Beware of this event and turn to the truth.
Does not develop fears of the pursuers. You will be protected and sheltered. But carry your cross willingly and for heaven. You shall do everything out of love, even if you cannot fathom anything. Let Me the Heavenly Father realize the love plan for you. Then you will be well served and nothing can happen to you that could cause you particular concern. Your greatest concern should be to make the other person happy and not to think of yourself first.
My children, you have now gone with me to the school of life. I do not want you to fall into delusion in this most difficult time of crisis, because I want to see you happy. You are My beloved ones whom I want to see on My right side. Be ready, My beloved children, to face this struggle of life.
Again and again I want to emphasize that I love you immeasurably and do not want to lose any of you. Never give up and fight the fight of the just, then you will gain victory. .
My beloved children, how quickly you are entangled in sin. I want to warn you about the world and its pleasures. As you see, one sin follows another. That is why you should take the Sacrament of Penance often, so that you can work on yourself and recognize when there is a danger that a temptation is approaching you.
Turn away from the people who want to turn you away from the truth. You do not notice it immediately, because you too are exposed to danger when you have contact with other people who do not take the everyday so precisely. It can become normal without you realizing it right away. The grave sin knows no bounds.
You have to work on yourself if you want to earn heaven. The more you take the Sacrament of Penance, the more you can grow in self-education. That is then the other side of the insight. It can tend to good and also to evil.
My beloved children and father children, how much I want to save you from sin, because I love you and want to draw you to Me in this love, so that you do not fall into evil. Remember again and again that the evil one is cunning and you do not always recognize it when danger threatens you. The worldly attracts you without you recognizing it. Therefore I warn you. .
Call your guardian angels often to call your attention, because they can prevent many things.
Only believe you shall. True faith makes you strong, and prayer helps you to do so. Never forget the table prayers, nor the prayers of the day. They too are important .
For today My beloved ones, I want to bless you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.