Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Mary's light measurement and Cenacle.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne into the computer at 1:45 pm and 5:30 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved Marian Children, I speak today and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats the words that come from Me.
My beloved children, how happy I am to speak to you today. You are still in the Christmas season. Only after today will you remove the Christmas decorations.
Most believers think that the end of the Christmas season is already January 6, the day of epiphany. But you, My beloved faithful children of Mary, know that this beautiful time continues to this day. I rejoice with you that you sang lullabies to the Child Jesus at the manger every day and He rejoiced.
Moreover, this February 2nd still meets the day of the Cenacle. Altogether 4 ½ hours you have held out, because it went also still the candle consecration before. My beloved priest son sacrificed this long time for heaven. In his old age of 92 years he brought joy to the sky. He does not give up serving heaven daily in a Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite.
He tells us all that the altar of sacrifice has become his favorite place. Here he can grant heaven's greatest wish. He always says that this is my home. He adores daily additionally one hour before the Blessed Sacrament, where the Savior is present with divinity and humanity. It is something quite wonderful to be so intimately united with the Savior, he says.
My beloved ones, if there were many priests who thought so. The example is missing to the people of today. They are looking for the happiness of life and cannot find it, because there is no one who exemplifies the true faith to them. .
My beloved children, today it is so important to have role models, because as you know, the apostasy is increasing. People seek help and do not find it.
That is why it is still possible today to convince people that they need a multicultural society. One wants to persuade people to unite with other cultures. Anyone who behaves differently will be regarded as a foreigner hostile in their own country.
How then, My beloved children, will you learn to love your own country and culture? We must love our own country and be allowed to represent it to others without discrimination. .
Every culture has something of its own and good, but it wants and should cultivate it in its own country.
Of course there are also people who are threatened in their country and are looking for help. These people must not and cannot be rejected, not even because of their skin color. They need help. However, this help is best provided in their own country.
What about religion, My beloved children and children of Mary? Do you still testify to your own faith today? It will not be easy for you to publicly stand by your Catholic faith. You will be deprived of honor. Will you still want to testify to the faith even then? Can you endure the mockery and insults? Or do you strike back with the same weapon?
My children, love is the greatest and not hate. The true faith is a faith of love. .
Look at this day, the Feast of the Luminous Measurement of Mary. He is supposed to embody the light. The Blessed Mother brought the little baby Jesus to the temple. She has brought the light of the world to everyone.
Even today people long for the light in this dark time. Jesus says: "I am the way, the truth and the life. Why do so few people believe in the true Catholic faith in the Trinity? They have no foundation and do not believe in the Bible.
You, My beloved ones, have been given the light as a burning candle in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. It is to make clear that you are to carry this light into the world. You have made a commitment. Be aware that many long for this light.
You will receive a radiation that will seize your hearts. You will not notice it yourselves. But it will be so.
My beloved children of Mary, I will send you out into the dark world so that it may become brighter again. You are not alone. I, your dearest mother, will guide you and be with you when the way seems too arduous for you. Do not give up immediately, even if it goes through a lot of undergrowth. And yet this way will be healing for you if you have the firm will to spread the true faith of love.
The Christmas season is now over. But you can still worship the dear Jesus and she will want to hear your songs. It loves you and looks at you pleadingly that you should not give up.
It is a long and arduous path for you. But he is not hopeless. Just a little smile or a friendly word for the other person can work wonders.
You, My beloved children of Mary, can influence the fate of the Church. Bravely shall you go forward on your way. You should become hopeful warriors and can make peace among yourselves if you strive for inner peace.
You see a lot of unrest in the world and you think you can't contribute anything to it, because that's the way it is and the other person doesn't want to listen to you anyway. Make an effort to have a conversation with the other person even if it is in your family. Don't always say, " It's no use anyway, because nobody wants to listen to me." Take a more positive attitude.
The loving Father looks at you and your will to change the situation .
Rely on your loving Father in heaven. He looks at your worries and sees your needs. He wants to stand by you and warm your hearts as a loving Father. You often do not feel it at all when He speaks to your hearts. Sometimes you are not receptive. There are situations in which you do not recognize His love.
Call on your guardian angels often, for they too would like to impart to you the knowledge that comes from the Holy Spirit. In the most difficult situations you sometimes do not know how to act. There are still miracles that you did not expect and you should trust in them, my beloved ones.
The Heavenly Father can work wonders. Only you must not lose courage when worries weigh on you.
Above all strive for holiness. Notice everything that stimulates you to good and do not concern yourself with evil, for it can keep you from striving for holiness. It can even do you great harm. .
Meet in good communities that lead you to good. The worldly pleasures certainly do not lead to a holy life. And you are called to this. Often you do not know at all where your way is to lead. You do not set yourselves a goal. Then come into my safe refuge. There you are secure. I will protect you and save you from evil. I will always be there for you. Call me when it becomes difficult and do not despair immediately if it does not go according to your wishes. .
The Heavenly Father often has other desires that do not agree with yours. There are often situations in which you realize that the Heavenly Father has special demands on you. You do not immediately realize that it is good for you and that you are rebelling. A confusion arises in your souls and you do not know whether it is good to follow these demands. You often have to weigh up what is right and not act immediately .
My beloved children, I am the bride of the Holy Spirit who wants to give you the true knowledge. I can provide you with additional angels because I have millions of angels waiting for your calls.
I know that these times of complete upheaval in the church, politics and environment are difficult to understand. You cannot interpret them. Surrender yourselves with all your will to the Heavenly Father. He will take care of you and He will direct and guide you in the right ways.
Do not develop any particular fears, My beloved children, because the Heavenly Father always cares for you. Do not lose your inner peace, because it is of special importance for you. The fears can prevent you from losing your inner peace. He is very important for all of you, especially for you, my beloved youth, whom I want to address again and again.
Believe and trust with all your senses. Evil is cunning and can try to dissuade you from the truth in special situations. It happened quickly, often without you noticing it. You even think that people mean well with you. Therefore, it is of great importance to call upon the Holy Spirit and unite in prayer.
My beloved children, you know that there are many people who rely on themselves and take the scepter in their hands as they see fit. This can often have fatal consequences. Above all, one should protect oneself from one's own seizure of power, because it makes an impression on people and stirs up egoism.
Every man wants to be worth something, and it is not easy to retain that certain humility. If you can put yourself aside, it is of great advantage, for you forgive yourself nothing. One can lose only if one's own power is in the foreground.
My beloved children of Mary, go to the school of humility and rejoice in the other. It also has its good sides and you can't find only bad things about it. One can agree, even without arguing at once. It also works in a calm tone. One must educate oneself to a calm discussion and remain calm and composed. Self-education contributes to this.
So, My beloved children of Mary, now you have gone back to your Heavenly Mother's school and it will be for the best.
Your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach in the Trinity of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit blesses you. Amen.