Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Pink Mysticism and Fatima Day.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:10 and 17:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I the Heavenly Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats the words that come from Me.
My beloved children, do not be sad if you are not allowed to stay at the pilgrimage place Heroldsbach on this day. It is difficult for all of you. But believe me, My beloved children of Mary, you can pray much in your home town for the priests who still want to convert. The Heavenly Father tries again and again to instill knowledge into the hearts of priests who are willing to repent.
For you, My beloved ones, it is not conceivable. But heaven still has possibilities there where you my children see none more. Heaven will always be incomprehensible to you all.
Look how many miracles of conversion have occurred in recent times and you cannot recognize them in the whole world. In any case, there are a lot of them. Do you really believe that your prayer is going nowhere? You who believe, you pray many rosaries for the conversion of the priests and also for the salvation of your fatherland which is dear to your heart. Yes, Germany needs a lot of prayer, but you don't know how many prayers have already been found to save the country of Germany from the kind of extermination one would like to see.
Well, My beloved children of Mary, can you not imagine that you, who believe, are also burdened with a great cross? It seems too hard for you and you cannot understand it. But you will go on and do not stop. It always goes forward. The love of God in the Trinity drives you forward because you also want to prove this love. You do not give up because you care about your country. It is psychic pain that you have to suffer.
But my beloved children of Mary, I am with you and will stand by you in every situation that seems too difficult for you. You may feel alone, but you are not, because I am always near you. .
You can connect with the supernature on earth. But you do not see this supernature. It remains in your imagination, which should help you to cope with some things better. I am with you, My beloved ones, and I certainly do not leave you.
I have many graces to give away, because I am also the "Mediator of All Graces. I have many rays of grace that have not yet been exhausted, or have not been picked up at all. They lie fallow and nobody pays attention to them.
I beg you, tell the other believers that I still have many graces to give away. They may turn to me as mediator of graces. You may trust that I know your worries and that I would like to give you a present as a mediator of grace. .
I am also the intercessor in all difficult situations. You believers can call on Me. I will hear you. Only many of you forget that they can turn to me also as intercessor. Often the need is so great and no one is there who can offer you help.
My beloved children, I have a great host of angels which I would like to put at your disposal. Here, too, I have many graces to give away that remain unused .
Much has happened through the Second Vatican Council that has damaged the Catholic faith. I, the Heavenly Mother, was banished from the churches very quickly. The Marian devotions in the modernist churches stopped. Bit by bit the pure catholic became less and bit and one did not even notice it. It had just happened unnoticed and it hurt me a lot. I, your Heavenly Mother, wanted to help you and had to watch Me being banished from the churches.
Today it has already come so far that the modernists are told that the veneration of the Mother of God is no longer modern. It is old-fashioned and after all, we live in the present time and no longer in the last century. .
It happened so far that one wanted to take the feeling away from the people of today. This also hurts me very much as the mother of my believing children, because I wanted to stand by every person in the most difficult times of this upheaval and church crisis.
That is why My little messenger Anne is ready and willing to pass on My instructions and information to other ambassadors as well. She also wants to strengthen and reinforce the believers in the opinion that My Son Jesus Christ is very sad when His mother, who gave birth to Him, is no longer allowed to be worshiped as she deserves.
My beloved ones, that belongs to the Catholic faith. If I am Catholic, I would like to be able to accept the help that is offered to me.
Unfortunately, today's priests no longer enlighten the faithful to the fact that the Heavenly Mother is a part of the Catholic Church and is also very important. It belongs to the Catholic faith.
Why have the many emotional Marian songs been taken out of the church treasure? The earlier Marian songs were gladly sung and people enjoyed them very much. One has simply taken the mother from the believers.
This could not remain without consequences. This is what we see today. All these are consequences of the Second Vatican Council. One could not foresee it immediately, because it was passed on in disguise. The Freemasons have done a great job.
There is no other way for the Catholic Curia than to put tradition in first place again. How do they want to repair the hole that cannot be plugged? A grave mistake has been made. Nobody wants to know what really happened. .
My beloved children of Mary, now we will try to find new ways to interest the faithful again in the Catholic Church. But you, my priests find no way, because one must find back to the origin .
My beloved children, the Heavenly Father has already taken the scepter very firmly into his hand. It looks as if He had been inactive. But the Heavenly Father does not leave His beloved Mother, who stood under the Cross of His Son, alone. She is so important to Him, because He created her also for us. .
Jesus Christ, the Son of God died for all of us and gave us His Mother as our mother under the cross. Unfortunately many believers do not know this or they forget it completely.
My beloved children, many believers are waiting for salvation. They yearn for it. One enlightens them again wrong. That is why I, your dearest mother, am now speaking to you to give you instructions so that you realize what the Catholic faith means for us.
The Catholic faith is truly a treasure that cannot be surpassed. It is the pearl which you must not forgive, for it is precious. Do not lose it, for it is a precious pearl in the field. This pearl is such a great preciousness that one holds it in vessels where no one can snatch it away. .
My beloved children of Mary, I fight for your salvation. Only that is important. Everything else is to be replaced, but heavenly salvation is irreplaceable. .
Not the great science will give us eternal salvation. No remain small and humble, that is the motto for eternal salvation.
I will save your souls and you shall not lose them. This is My most ardent wish, My beloved children of Mary.
I take you again by My hand and guide you, because I want to make sure that your eternal salvation is secured.
How fast is the possibility in the world You will be distracted by all sorts of things that are offered in the world. Do not take part in the earthly pleasures. They can seduce you. Everywhere there are seductions, because these worldly pleasures are taking the upper hand today.
Therefore My beloved children, look to prayer. Today, as Rosa Mystica, I want to take you firmly by the hand. Pray the Rosary. It can help you to beatitude. Pray it often and gladly. There are many possibilities to take this prayer chain during the day. There can be no boredom for you if you like to pray the rosary. It helps you to overcome the worldly.
I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.