Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Sunday Septuagesima.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:40 and 17:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
My beloved father's children, today the pre-lent period begins. Many humans do not know at all any longer that the chamfering time has also a prehistory. My beloved ones, you are to prepare yourselves inwardly for this Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday.
It is a long time of reflection that is coming to you all. That is why you are on the racetrack, as the reading of today is called. You are between good and evil. You shall decide. The fasting period is a time of reflection. This also means that you, my father children, learn to make sacrifices.
Now you can decide what I find the hardest in this time where I can learn to do without? This can then turn into a racing match. A victim can also be a peculiarity that I have found in myself to learn to do without. These can be simple waivers. But it can mean a lot to me, because I know my peculiarities best.
You My children and My father's children, have the choice to limit yourselves. There are so many opportunities that are difficult for you. I give you the power to do so when you start a beginning.
You have heard today in the Gospel that the last one who worked least in the vineyard of Jesus received the same reward as the others. The others found this unjust because they had worked all day in the heat and now felt they were being treated unfairly.
But Jesus pointed out to them that even the last one in his vineyard could still decide for the good at the last moment. One should not be jealous of the other and begrudge him something. Every work, even if it is done at the last moment, is valuable.
This means that if a sinner decides to repent even at the last moment, this is of great value because it is precisely at this time of final repentance that I, the loving Father, am waiting for you. Just this time can be very important.
Why do you envy the other this conversion? It is worth its weight in gold. You have to measure them with different scales. How long has the Heavenly Father been waiting for a single sinner who was willing to repent? Now this reversal has happened. How great then will be the joy of a single sinner who certainly needed repentance?
I, the Heavenly Father, know in my great omniscience when a sinner will be ready to repent. But before that happens, many prayers and atonements have been made for him. .
This is how the gospel of today is to be understood. You cannot always interpret it the same way when I speak to you in examples. But it often has a great meaning for you.
People should also wake up today and reflect anew The time of Lent should be a time of reflection for every Catholic Christian. The sacrament of Penance can be a good preparation. You cannot immediately recognize many of the mistakes you make because you are sinful people. .
But if you initiate a quiet time of reflection in this pre-Lenten period, you will very quickly realize that this reflection is good for you.
This reflection period is similar to the Advent season. It is also a time for reflection. I become silent inside me and think about the last time. To whom did I want to do good and maybe did not do it? Who have I hurt, consciously or unconsciously, and now in this time of reflection you realize that you have hurt someone. You then have the opportunity to ask him for forgiveness. This is also a preparation time for the pre-fasting period. You can all prepare yourselves well for this time of reflection.
I am mindful of you all, and each of you is very important to me as a loving Father. .
This message is a special guideline for self-education. It is not like the others. One could ask oneself whether one does not already know all this and therefore does not need any clarification.
My beloved father children, we live in a completely different time of faith, as was usual in those days. That is why I, your loving Father, am especially mindful of the soul of each individual. You surely realize what I am getting at. I want to remind you again of a time of strong faith, so that many will realize what the words of the gospel mean today. It has set in a completely different time, a time of confusion.
Because the words of confusion come so much to the fore today, you don't realize that you can bag deceptions. These deceptions are so real that they resemble the truth. One will certainly not notice, if one swims along with the general stream, that it is the lie that one believes.
My beloved father children, how I would like to inform you about the present situation in the whole world. As you can see, there is a terrible chaos everywhere, a mess that you cannot believe.
Why did this happen? Have people tried to find a cause? No, they do not realize that they themselves are the cause. They try to create unnecessary quarrels, which are without reason.
I am the loving God the Father and want people to understand each other and to be of one mind. Only if they take this to heart, they can be connected with the supernature. You can give yourselves completely to me, the loving Father. You have no disadvantages through this. I want to enlighten you that there is a supernature and a Triune God who loves all people and who does not want to leave anyone alone in his need. .
Then why does the world look completely different today? People want to experience more. You live in the world and want to enjoy it. There are many things that man sees and wants to take advantage of. But not all things are good for you. They can harm you.
You are faulty men and will always remain so. That is why the loving God has given you the sacrament of forgiveness. There you can experience redemption from your sins. Only the Catholic Church has the seven sacraments and the ten commandments, which you should not transgress. These are the limits of the commandments that you keep on bumping into. Unfortunately, the worldly things are tempting. You can rebel against them, or you can also fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father. Both are possible for you. .
But you will soon realize that you are worse off after breaking the commandments and better off after keeping the limits that the loving Father has given you as his 10 Commandments.
Why are so many people not willing to take the Sacrament of Penance to wash away their sins? The souls are washed clean because I the Heavenly Father gave you redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. I sent My only Son into the world out of love for you to redeem you.
This is the greatest gift that I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, could ever give you. I have sacrificed My only Son for your redemption. Are you always aware of this? I certainly don't think so, because then there wouldn't be so much disaster in the world.
You men forget that you are dependent on the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. You may rejoice in this, for the good comes only from the heavenly Father. I am and remain your loving Father, who wants to guide you again and again into the right paths. .
How can you notice that you are on the right track and don't miss? The general stream of the world is carrying you away and this stream is getting more and more. It expands.
How rare are there today people who speak publicly about the supernature and enjoy it? Very few people want to hear anything about prayer. They distract themselves with all kinds of other things that interest them more.
Why is it so difficult today to move people for prayer? If you pray the rosary daily, you will have more security. The uncertainty comes because you do not know where to go.
Surrender yourselves totally to the Heavenly Father who loves you all. Then you will experience the certainty that you are not alone. You have a protector. Above all, you are loved as you are. Even if you do wrong, you will not be rejected. But you can repentantly receive the Sacrament of Penance and your hearts will be washed clean again, and even receive the sanctifying grace, the white robe of baptism.
Be proud that you have been given the true and catholic faith. Faith is priceless and cannot be paid for by natural means and money.
So you are now on the racetrack, which should teach you to distinguish good from evil. The Heavenly Father is interested that you tend to the good and disregard the bad. Continue to place yourself at His disposal. Then He will reward you with eternal bliss. Here on earth you will be prepared for the beautiful and glorious eternity.
What good is life here on earth for you, if heaven remains closed? .