Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Feast of St. Michael the Archangel and patron saint festival.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 6:40 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, would like to give you a gift today for the patron saint's feast of your home church. This St. Michael will give special gifts of grace in your community. He will also put the evil enemies to flight. They surround you and he will give you a special inner joy in your hearts. You will be amazed at his intercessory power.

Not for nothing, My beloved ones, you have chosen St. Michael the Archangel as your patron of the domestic church. In the almost 15 years of the existence of the house church this patron has worked particularly, because you were surrounded by evil spirits. He has been able to work to a greater extent because you have placed yourselves entirely at the disposal of me, the heavenly Father. This time was not easy, but you have grown together. In joys and sorrows you held on to each other. Nothing could turn you away from the true faith.

I thank you, My beloved ones. Continue to believe in my omnipotence and omniscience. I will lead you. Nothing shall happen to you that is not in the will of your Father. I, the Heavenly Father, guide you and give you the fulfillment of your heart's desires.

If you say, My beloved ones, that this or that problem is too difficult for you to solve, trust in My omnipotence. I will not disappoint you. Throw yourselves into My loving arms, whatever may happen, I will comfort you and I will show you that the love of your Father in heaven is unfathomable and incomprehensibly great. It exceeds everything in the world.

My beloved father children, you want to convince many of the true faith. Nothing is too much for you when it comes to love for the Triune God.

I have already received much comfort from you, because you prefer the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, which gives you the greatest strength. Every day you kiss the five wounds of the Savior. You make sure that the Savior at your lighted window of the house church still blesses many passers-by and travelers and gives them spiritual strength.

My beloved children, persevere and don't despair with special problems you can't find a solution for. Many visible miracles will happen through your constant prayer and sacrifice. Keep trusting and you will experience the omnipotence of the Most High.

My beloved ones, if you see and feel nothing, then God's help is closest. It depends on your trust. Many people only trust when they see that everything is going their way. But the omnipotence of the Father in heaven works differently, indeed quite differently than you can expect. These are then the great moments of happiness that cannot be explained with natural understanding. They cannot be replaced by anything.

The world influences are so strong at the moment that people no longer use their clear mind. They simply repeat what the general public says and stick to it. They become mass people and not personalities.

I leave everyone the freedom to decide for the true faith. Let no one say that I was forced to accept this true and catholic faith.

You, My beloved ones, see it in the Muslim faith. They kill their own family members when they do not want to choose their faith. They feel like they are in a straitjacket and cannot use their own will.

Today we have the greatest persecution of Christians in various countries. The people are simply killed cruelly without showing any feeling of humanity. Islam is a devilish faith.

Remain faithful to the true faith and do not listen to the voices that try to convince you that all religions should be equal in the one world religion. Do not believe the people who want to lead you into temptation.

Continue to defend your German country and be the patriots of your country. Do not let yourselves be deprived of what is dear to your heart, be courageous and defend your opinions, for the devil does not sleep and wants to confuse you and lead you astray from your opinions.

Continue to work for the life to come, because every life is precious. Advise the mothers who want to consent to an abortion to consecrate themselves to the Heavenly Mother. They will experience that the Heavenly Mother protects them and also the life to come in the womb. The Blessed Mother will help these mothers, because she has many possibilities that we humans on earth do not have.

You are limited My beloved ones. But the love of God is boundless.

My beloved ones, now the election for the European Parliament is just around the corner. This choice is also a matter of trust. How can we still believe the people who want to destroy our own country? Some people unfortunately do not realize that our own country is in danger. They repeat the slogans of others and do not realize that they are inevitably walking into a trap.

My beloved father children, in this day and age, it is important that you do not let yourselves be influenced, because today's people are no longer individuals. No one is allowed to express their own opinion today. If this does not concern the general public, then this person is mocked and despised.

How can a personality develop if it is a general thinking? Man himself cannot be formed.

A shaping of the conscience can only happen through an intensive Holy Confession in foreseeable times. Holy confession shapes man and leads to self-knowledge and self-education.

My beloved children, if only you could realize how much I love you and want to show you this love. You do not feel it, how often I follow you, when the danger threatens you to fall into a trap. I am courting you and will not leave you alone.

If your cross presses too much on your shoulders, do not despair. Be patient, because many things can happen in the meantime without your wishes being taken into account. There are many things you cannot guess, for your Heavenly Father alone has the foresight.

The Heavenly Forces are the strongest forces, which no one can imagine, who only enjoys in the world. The temptations are everywhere. Therefore, My beloved ones, be careful and often call on St. Michael the Archangel who can keep the evil forces away from you.

You survive a ripening period when you feel a heavy cross on your shoulders. It can also be a purification. The time will bring it, because patience is the order of the day.

Practice perseverance in prayer and sacrifice and do not give in to hopelessness. Even if a serious illness oppresses you, heaven knows about this suffering and will not leave you alone. Each cross carries a special meaning. Never is suffering meaningless. Once in the eternal homeland you will experience the truth. Therefore never give up, because I love you boundlessly.

For today I want to say goodbye and bless you with all the angels especially with St. Archangel Michael and the dear Mother of God of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready to take your cross upon you Love your neighbor and do not get entangled in evil, but prefer the good.


