Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Third Sunday after Easter. Sühnenacht Heroldsbach.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 6:10 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory, speak today and now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved little flock, beloved follower, I received with gratitude this morning the Mother's Day greetings that you have given me. I was very happy about it. Thank you all very much for it. .
I also want to thank you for the beautifully decorated altar of Mary. I am standing in a sea of flowers and am touched by such dear greetings on this day.
My beloved little band you too are mothers and love your children. Unfortunately you have no Mother's Day greetings to expect from your children. I would like to comfort you. You are atoning for the wrongdoing of your children and will see them again one day in the eternal dwellings. The Heavenly Father has already promised you this. This is your reward for your constant perseverance.
The lack of faith has unfortunately left behind much sin and disunity. Do not be sad. You have Me, your Heavenly Mother, to whom you have given much joy. Also today you will sing Marian songs to Me, if your time still allows it, because also today is the atonement night of Heroldsbach. On this day you always keep the hours of atonement and you will do so today. You also pray the eight psalm prayers and worship daily. Almost every day you held the May devotions, which made Me as Heavenly Mother very happy. You never missed the Rosary or the Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and every day you kiss the five wounds of the Savior on the statue. This is framed by a chain of lights in the window of your house church and blesses all passing motorists until Trinity Sunday.
I, as Heavenly Mother, look sadly upon the world, which is so disordered. We, too, in heaven, suffer over people who are not ready to accept the streams of grace in heaven. I, as Heavenly Mother, even weep tears of blood in some places. .
Why doesn't humanity finally wake up and fold its hands in prayer? No one can trust the other today. Disunity is everywhere. Many tears flow in families. .
People long for peace and quiet that cannot be found anywhere.
You are looking for variety in the amusements and have vacation plans which are then quickly put into action. The worldly pleasures attract people. Who thinks of the loving Father in heaven?
My beloved Mary's children, you are all close to the intervention. The Heavenly Father has given you many directives. Look at the signs in the sky at sun moon and stars. Be alert and vigilant. Prepare and do not sleep.
Do you not see how your German country is being betrayed more and more? It is to be exterminated, and for that the politicians are happy with every means. The migration plan was only a visible sign that heaven does not sleep. Many other things can happen My beloved children, with whom you are confronted and which cannot be averted. .
Now the measles epidemic has broken out. Where does this virus come from? It comes from the refugees, who in innumerable masses break over the borders. There is no cleanliness there, because the Africans have a completely different culture than we do.>/strong>.
Can't you see that our whole supply system is collapsing? My beloved ones, can you still be sure that no famine will come upon you in the next few years? What other tribulations can befall you? Will you be protected then? Is the German Federal Armed Forces, police or even fire department still deployed to protect the population? No, it is no longer possible in this time. They are already protecting themselves and not the population, because terrorism is taking over.
Why do you not wake up, My beloved Catholic Christians? You must defend your Catholic country? You must be courageous and consistent in your efforts to defend your German country. Every single Christian has the duty to confess his or her true faith in order to stop Islamization .
In many areas the Islamists are already in the majority. Where are you Catholic Christians?Where is your testimony of faith?
How often My beloved ones, has the Heavenly Father called you to pray the Rosary? Why do you still not form a rosary chain? You have all possibilities to rise from sleep. It is really the highest time. You must finally wake up from the sleep of death. .
My children, do not pay attention to the general current. He will certainly lead you astray. Don't enjoy life in the world, but separate from the worldly and finally take possession of the divine. Only the loving Father in heaven can throw you the anchor of salvation, otherwise you are lost. The world cannot save you from eternal damnation.
Look on the Internet My beloved teenagers. There you can experience many things that will help you to live your faith. Don't waste your time with useless things and games that don't work. You live aimlessly and do not realize that the loving Triune God is waiting for your cooperation. He does nothing without you. He wants to motivate and drive you to do good and to confess your faith publicly.
There are so many possibilities that should drive you to confess the true faith. Do not stand idly by while your country is flooded with Islam.
You can truly prevent it. You have to become inventive. Not for nothing has the loving Father in heaven given you mind. Reason also tells you much. But if you do not use your brain, it will wither away.
Why do so many brain cells of humans die today? They do not stimulate their cells to think. Young people, and older people too, use a smartphone today to distract themselves. Or they grab their cell phones and communicate with an SMS. They are no longer able to communicate personally with their counterpart. They have forgotten how to respond to the other in order to help the other. They have become egoists and are no longer able to take care of each other's needs.
My beloved children, the hospitals are full, even overcrowded. These sick people wait for a kind word from the other person. There are so many ways to help other people. The priests have also already lost their vocation and take care of their own needs. Caring for your neighbor should take up most of your time.
My beloved children, how does the Father in heaven long for you? If you can save only one person from eternal damnation, then your whole life has been worthwhile.
Do you, My beloved children, believe that the Heavenly Father does not let His righteousness prevail? He is not only the merciful Judge, but He will also pour out His Holy Wrath on mankind. .
Woe to the man who is exposed to His wrath. My beloved children:" Who does not want to hear, must feel", says the vernacular. It is a true saying that proves true with many believers. I your dearest Mother, want to shelter you, My beloved ones, all under My cloak, because I am at your disposal at all times with My angels that I will send you.
I bless you now with all the angels and with all the saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.