Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Sunday in the octave of Ascension Day.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:30 and 18:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this floodplain through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today I would like to give you special information and instructions. These are urgently needed in this particular time of crisis of the corona virus.
It is not easy for you who believe to hold out. But, My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, will not leave you alone. Even though you often feel left alone, I am still in the midst of you. Please pay attention to my guides and steering. I, the loving father, have the whole world in my hands.
Unfortunately many believers do not feel that I remain the ruler of all men and things. Men want to remain the doer themselves and they will fail miserably. Only when my plan and will is fulfilled will mankind not go astray. If only many believers would finally wake up, far more could be saved. But men look to their own will and want their own wishes to be fulfilled. This way leads astray. .
My beloved children, now you have returned from My House of Glory in Mellatz. I have protected you in all situations and given you new strength. You were able to do all the work in calmness, because one date changed the.
other. Continue to remain calm, then nothing can happen to you and the evil one cannot harm you.
You also felt quite comfortable in the rural environment and that's why you will start your move in the coming time. Don't worry about all the work that is coming up, because I have the appointments with the craftsmen and with the moving company all in my own hands.
To all I would like to say today that you should not worry about the future. For otherwise fears will come to you. I, the Heavenly Father alone, have the future in my hands. I pay attention to the past, the future, and the present, for I am the All-Knowing and Omnipotent God and have all the threads in my hand. If I let you look into the future, you could understand nothing. Your mind would by no means grasp everything. Let yourselves be guided, My beloved ones. Trust above all things deeper and more firmly. Pay close attention to My instructions, then you cannot miss. .
Do not become anxious. That takes away your courage and confidence. I, your Heavenly Father, love you immeasurably. Remain in my footsteps and do not let yourselves be influenced by other opinions, for they want to lead you astray from the true path. .
There is still a long way to go to avoid bumps and stumbling blocks. Never give up, even if the inexplicable seizes you. Do not become tired again and again to explore my will completely. This path is not easy, but it leads exactly to the goal of truth.
I, the Heavenly Father, know your peculiarities and weaknesses. Take the sacrament of Penance as often as possible. It will give you the strength not to give up, even in the most inscrutable situations. You are My beloved children who are also allowed to make mistakes. If you only accept my love then everything else will be given to you.
My beloved little one, I do not want to overwhelm you today because your blindness is increasing and you are atoning for the whole world which is in total darkness. Accept everything as it is, I am with you and support you.
Today, on this Sunday you celebrate Rose Sunday. The Blessed Mother sprinkled roses over you during the Holy Sacrificial Mass.
You also began the novena of Pentecost and so you ask the Holy Spirit daily. May he come upon you and give you the knowledge again and again.
How quickly would you succumb to the daily influences if the Holy Spirit did not enlighten you.
Be brave, My beloved ones, for too much is coming to you. Today's humanity is too cruel and wants to dissuade you from the truth even today.
Though you answer confidently, the requirements are made again. Often you cannot see the truth right away. They want to confuse and confuse you.
Just in this last time the evil is coming at you severely, so that you cannot immediately recognize it. Do not despair and do not despair. Keep on hoping and be confident despite the confusion of today. The Holy Spirit will not leave you.
My beloved ones, if you knew how much I love you, immeasurable. This love does not cease even when you make mistakes. I will correct it without you realizing it. You remain faulty men who again and again need my love and security. .
Take some things with humor, even if you find it hard. The angels will surround you. They take care of you, because you call upon them daily.
The people of the world cannot understand that you spend so many hours daily in prayer. You are blasphemed. But please do not give up and do not despair, even if on some days your strength leaves you. Then trust deeper. This basic trust will grow within you. You will be envied for your serenity. Even if you are accused of the mistake, do not give up. Do not give back with equal weapons, for this can take away your serenity. Remain calm and ask the Holy Spirit again. The daily psalms will also help you. The many prayers that you perform on almost every day will bear fruit. .
My security is important. Then you will feel comfortable despite the many situations that come your way, do not despair. The peace within you will bring it.
My beloved children, the time coming up to you will be the most difficult time. You can no longer understand anything. Rely entirely on my guidance. This alone provides the security.
This time of the corona crisis will be a healing time. Many people succumb to fear and do not take up prayer because they find it too arduous. They listen to the opinions of others and do not form their own opinions.
You, My beloved children are separated from this world and submit yourselves to My will.
Especially you My little one accept everything and do not complain about the darkness that seizes you daily. It is incomprehensible to you. But you trust your Heavenly Father, who does not abandon you. All other complaints you give to Me. I thank you My little flower of passion and suffering. Be faithful to your Heavenly Father and never leave this path even if other opinions want to turn you away.
My time of division will come and so tremendous that it cannot grasp mankind .
Man insults Me the highest Trinitarian God so fundamentally that it is no longer understandable. One turns the truth around as a lie. One commits one serious sin after another and one's conscience doesn't even beat. One covers it up with many medicines, drugs or alcohol. Since the general public acknowledges it to be correct, one does not find the truth.
My children, you are the children of truth and now you must persevere because you are on the right side. Nothing can happen to you if you steadfastly live and testify to your true faith. You are the true prophets. I cannot do without you, My favorite children. I press you to My loving heart and caress you. Comfort me because I am with you all days and will never leave you.
The prayer of the rosary is your ladder to heaven and the Heavenly Mother will accompany you in this prayer. .
The time is ripe when I will appear in great power and glory and I will separate the wicked from the good. Therefore hold through my faithful ones.
It is the time of harvest. Many will not understand how I have to proceed now, because they will give up and not accept my approach.
Remain faithful to Me, My beloved ones, and do not abandon Me. I give you My loving heart.
In this moment I bless you with all the angels and saints and with your dearest Mother of Victory and the Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you everything I want to tell you. Do not be afraid but believe. Trust more deeply in My providences. .