Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 31, 2020

First day of Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:05 and at 20:10


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me. Beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I would like to share a special Pentecost message with you today. It is very important for all of you.

You have fallen into a maelstrom in which you can no longer experience joy, because after so many hardships in recent times you are not receptive at all.

Believe Me, My beloved children, during this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on this first day of Pentecost, the jubilation of this day has penetrated you so that a deep ardor of love could penetrate into your heart.  This embers of love and the color red already express the liturgy of today so that these joys of gratitude penetrated into your hearts. You cannot grasp this with your natural mind. No, they are supernatural joys. Receive them, they are meant for you. No one can take these joys from you.

The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit have been poured into you. You could not influence that. They are special graces.

You, My beloved priestly son, have asked for the gift of understanding. You pleaded earnestly and this gift was given to you on this day and also on yesterday. Be grateful for these hours. You have tried hard to live with this sickness and have fulfilled everything in obedience. I thank you for your willingness. Receive today the joys of Pentecost. The sermon yesterday, May 31st, and today, the first day of Pentecost, were inspired by heaven. You noticed it yourself and were amazed at your reaction. Continue to be brave and do not give in even if the greatest sacrifices are demanded of you. My beloved priest is worth it. I am with you and do not leave you even in your greatest need .

My beloved children, look upon the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit. They will be given to you. Yes, they are flowing through you today on this day so that there will be rejoicing in your hearts. This is the love fervor of the Holy Spirit. It shall be given to you. Do not be afraid, but believe. A lot of things will happen in the near future that you cannot understand. It is an ardor of love that will descend upon you. .

You shall be given gifts for the sacrifices you have made in the last time. I thank you for these sacrifices. Don't be sad, you My little one, that it causes you so many complaints to write the messages. You will have to make the greatest sacrifices. This Pentecost Novena has helped you a lot in the last days to get through everything. It was torture for all of you. Especially for you My little one, because your blindness has increased, because the world is in total darkness.

You have now received the second injection in the eye and have also accepted everything as I have wished it from you. Thank you that you have completely complied with my will. You have suffered so much because the authorities of the Catholic Church are still not ready to fulfill My wishes of the traditional Church and are in modernism. I still wish today that at last the people's altar and also the laity at the altar should no longer be active because it is an affront of the highest degree because the devil has his hand in it.

Finally, the Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice is to be celebrated in all churches This is still a long way off, because the Second Vatican Council must then be declared ineffective. But even today all priests are not willing to follow this my will. .

That is why this complete chaos has arisen in the entire Catholic Church. A sanctity must at last be restored, and modernism must not be in the foreground .

I, the Heavenly Father, will completely protect all the faithful who are willing and submit to My will, or hand over their will to Me. It will still be a long time before people become aware and finally reject this modernism.

As I, the Heavenly Father have told everyone that these churches are to remain closed and due to the Corona virus My approval comes into effect.

This holiness is not given and you, My little Anne, will feel this deep darkness in this time and cannot understand that you are to receive and write My messages in this time. But I wish it so from you. This is a great burden for you but you will bear this atonement with my divine help and permission.

Don't be too sad, because the Heavenly Father will not leave you alone and will help you to survive this as far as possible.

My little one, you have the world broadcast and it means that you have to make the hardest sacrifices. Your followers are also loaded with many sacrifices. They too will suffer and their suffering will be inexplicable to some. But it remains my wish and will. Unfortunately, there are many tenants in the Catholic Church today that I have to cut off and who want to harm you.

Many things will be settled, My beloved children, that you cannot understand. Therefore remain calm and discreet, because time will bring it until I will bring everything to daylight. I will expose everything and all offences concerning the Catholic Church must be atoned for, therefore the sufferings of many messengers and messengeresses must be made more difficult. They will be persecuted to the highest degree during this time and all evil will be attributed to them. You yourselves will not be able to fathom anything more. But remain calm in all situations in which I will give you a lot of information that you cannot understand. Your mind will not be sufficient to understand everything. You are only limited in your views and I, the Heavenly Father, know the past, the present and also the future and therefore will have to arrange everything differently, and what is not in your wishes and ideas. Therefore be vigilant, because you cannot trust all persons. They are often cunning and you can't see it right away. They will enchant you with inexplicable information and even treat you lovingly. But you cannot immediately recognize their cunning.

My beloved father children, I love you and will always be with you when your sufferings come. Bind yourselves to the cross of My Son, then My love will be revealed to you. Only through suffering will you be healed, for salvation lies in the cross. Rejoice when illness and tribulation surround you, for you are My favorite children.

It is the very last time when I have to start my major surgery. It will be so powerful that men will be frightened and even shiver at my greatness. They will envy you for your perseverance that you have always transferred your will to me, the Highest God. This is a great grace that you will receive.

You will not be understood, because a great division is coming upon you. I will have to separate the righteous from the unrighteous and reward all those who have stood on the right side.

Then you, My beloved children, will be rewarded for your years of faithfulness, which will be envied. This most holy Pentecost is a special celebration of the action of the Holy Spirit. I now seek my faithful, who will bow completely to my will.

My priests for the New Church, which will start from Mellatz, this small town in the Allgäu, I will determine myself, because in many brotherhoods there are divisions today. I will appoint these separated brothers for the New Church myself and they will be willing. Until today they are still underground and will not be allowed to open up because they will be despised for their deep faith. They will not be understood. But then they are my favorites.

Yes, My beloved children, a difficult time is coming for all of you. All difficulties you will master with My help. Do not despair if everything does not go according to your ideas. Let yourself be guided and guided and do not pay attention to your wishes, because they can be very different. I myself will organize everything and you will visibly feel it when I intervene. This is to give you a deep gratitude that I participate in your worries. Do not despair when everything takes its time and peace will not come so quickly. But always try to stay calm, even in the most difficult situations. I am in you all the time and will not leave you alone. Moreover, your dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, will take care of you and will shelter you under her mantle.

The time will come when the Holy Spirit will give you all that I have to tell you and the wicked one will no longer be able to use his cunning. Then you know that the very last time has come.

A storm will come and it will be tremendous and it will put many people in fear. But you, my children, have the special protection; nothing will happen to you. One will not be able to enter your circle of light, which is around you. You will be envied and also asked for your help. But you cannot help these people. Pray for them, that they will not fall into the eternal abyss.

Only he who converts will be saved, but he who is not willing to fulfill my will will be damned. All information has been refused so far and the doors will then remain closed for them forever. Tomorrow, the second day of Pentecost, the next message will come that My little one will receive and will have to write under the greatest difficulties. But it will still submit to my will because it remains my willing tool.

I bless you now with all angels and saints especially with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain in my loyalty and do not despair when hopelessness will seize you. You have full protection, and this shall give you full security. I am with you every day. Be ready for the last information. I love you. .


