Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe in You, hope in You, love and adore You, my God and my King. It is good to be here with You! Thank You, Lord. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion this morning. Lord, (names withheld) are suffering very much out of love for (name withheld) who is going through many trials. Heal (name withheld) please, Jesus. Make her whole and draw her close to Your Sacred Heart. Give her the desire for Holy Mass. I lift up (names withheld) and all who are suffering from chronic illnesses. I pray also for those who do not know Your love and for those who are away from the Church. For all our priests and religious, remain ever beside them Jesus and help them with graces for Heaven, Lord. Keep them safe and protect them from all physical harm. Thank You for all that You are doing for us, Lord. Jesus, please also help (name withheld). He is exhausted from all the snow removal and trying to study, Lord. Help him to get some sleep and also to cover all that he needs for school. Lord, bless all who are going to Washington for the Walk for Life. Help our youth to carry the torch for the Gospel, Jesus. Please help us to have conversion and come to see the truth, Jesus. You are truth, Jesus. Make blind eyes see, Lord so they will know You are God of all the living. Praise You, Lord God King of Heaven and Earth. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Give all the youth to Me. I am working in a mighty way in their hearts. They are lonely and deprived of My love and the life of the Spirit but I will blow the powerful breath of life and the Spirit will come upon them. Many will follow Me and do great things for God. Pray to bring about the Renewal. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out to this earth. Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the world. Remain close to My Holy Mother Mary and She will enclose you in Her mantle of protection. Do not underestimate the great power of Her love. She intercedes before the Father’s throne for all Her children.”
Thank You, Lord. Bless all who love Your Mother and You, Jesus. Help us to love You more. Jesus, I know (name withheld) isn’t feeling well. Please help her to get well. Heal her of all she needs healing of, Jesus. You know our every need. Lord, Jesus thank You for our good and holy priests who love You so much. Bless (names withheld). Help (name withheld) to have healing of the many health issues he has. Thank You for keeping him safe during his trip home. Bless (name withheld) who loves and serves You.
“My child, I hear each one of your prayers and hold them close to My Sacred Heart. Be at peace and know that I am watching over your loved ones and those for whom you have prayed. Those who seek Me will find Me and those who follow Me are safe with Me forever. There is nothing to fear when you are friends with God.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. What of those we love who do not follow You?
“Entrust them to Me. All will be well. This takes heroic trust, My child. Do trust Me in all things. I love all of My children, and I especially care for the children of My closest friends. Do you not care about your friends’ children and loved ones?”
Yes, Lord. Of course!
“Yes, My child and all of My children are beloved children. Who loves more than the Love?”
No one does, Jesus. It is impossible to love more than You. You created us out of love.
“Yes, and so entrust the souls of those you love to Me. Love them enough to let go of them and give them to your Jesus, who is all love.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You. Help me to love You even more. Glory and praise to You, Lord.
“My little one, if your loved ones, friends and family members do not come to love Me now, they will when the changes come for they will be faced with many sobering truths. If they do not find Me then, they will during the Illumination of Consciences. At some point, the lost ones who have had so many tears shed for them and so much love poured out for them in prayer will open their hearts to the love of God. Continue to pray for them and be at peace. Love them. Speak less and love and pray more. Love wins souls for your Jesus. Be at peace.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, open the hearts of those who are suffering from depression. Heal them, Jesus. Remove their fears and anxieties. Give them Your peace, Lord that only You can give.
“Many suffer from this in such a dark time in the world. Souls suffer because of the darkness around them and it can be difficult for them to see the Light of Christ. This is especially true for souls who have a high degree of sensitivity. Pray for them, offer sacrifices (penance) and have Masses said for them. Ask My Mother to be with them and to intercede for them. My Mother’s presence chases all shadows away in every darkened corner. She brings the light of My love. Remember this My children. Pray more and rejoice that you have so many saints in Heaven and the Queen of Heaven praying for you. Do not forget to ask for their intercession. Their prayers are needed especially so in this day. The reason there are so many problems and so much sin is because there are not enough people praying. Those of you who know the times and the seriousness of these days—pray more. You must pray more for there are so few prayers, even from those who know and love Me. You spend much time on things that are fleeting and unimportant because you do not have enough love in your hearts for the plight of My poor children who are in need of your prayers. You think much in these days of your own comfort and pleasure when you could deny yourselves more and pray. Think of acts of kindness you can do for others. Be faithful to your vocations, My children. Fathers, love your children and your wives. Pay attention to them. Serve and provide and live the faith that I died to give you. Wives, love your husbands. Care for them and for your children. Be holy examples of love. Teach your children to love and respect their fathers. Show respect for your husbands and the children will follow your example. Husbands and wives, you have a mission from God for your marriage. Be open to Me and to My Will. Live lives of love and sacrifice for one another. I bless you with many material things so you can share them with others. I bless you with love to give love abundantly to your children and to those around you as well as those who are in need. Be love to all you meet. Put your children as a high priority and in this way, you will focus your attention on raising them in a balanced, disciplined and loving manner. Teach your children to respect you and to respect God, but first show them with your love. They must learn from you that they are good and worthy of your love or they will not be as open to My love. This is a major problem in the world, My children. Many young children do not have loving, faithful earthly fathers. If children grow up with fathers who are not present in their homes, who they see only on occasion and when they are together, there is no time spent talking and being present to one another, how can they come to know and trust in God the Father? It is difficult, My children. I made you in My image and likeness and I gave families to the world to be models of the Holy Family and point the way to the love of the Blessed Trinity. Renew your vows of marriage and renew the love that you had in the beginning. The world is starving for love and they (My children) have not experienced real love in the heart of the family where it all begins. Pray for holy marriages. Work for holy marriages. Be present to one another. You are the most important part of God’s plan for children. (Husbands and wives) Without holy children who grow in God’s love, the world has become and will continue to be steeped in darkness and sin.”
Jesus, there are some holy people who want to be married but have not found the right godly person. Please help them, Jesus.
“Yes, My child. There are not as many holy young people for them because their parents (of the ones who are not living for God) did not raise them to know and love Me. Even those parents who did so had an uphill battle because of the culture and the impact of so many living lives void of God. Still, persevere in your faithfulness. Trust in Me, My children who love and serve Me. Pray and do God’s Will and if it is your vocation to be married (by your discernment and your choice) I will provide a holy person to be your spouse. Do not be afraid. Live for your Jesus, and all will be well. Be joyful in your love for Me. Trust Me and be at peace. I will provide all that is good for My children, but trust in Me to provide. This is important. When one takes matters into one’s own hands, rather than waiting upon the Lord, that is not trust. Trust in Me and in My ways and you will not be disappointed. I love you and I want the good for Mine. I want to build holy families. Wait upon Me, the Lord for all that you need and I will provide. My child, you are concerned for (name withheld), I understand. Remember how far he has come. I will not abandon him. I will help him to carry his load. He is learning to trust Me and to abandon all to Me. This is good. Be patient and trust. I love you, My child. I love each one of My children. I desire Heaven for every one I have created. Walk the road I have given you. You do not walk alone. Take solace in this, My children. I am coming into the world. Prepare your hearts and create an environment of love, peace and mercy wherever you go to help Me prepare the hearts of others. Pray for the renewal and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit again on the world. Pray as the people of old prayed for the coming of the Messiah. Your prayers, your holiness, your love will usher in the new times. Be busy about building the Father’s Kingdom so that when I come again I will find much faith on the earth. On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, pray for the Holy Spirit to renew your hearts and the hearts of all in the world. I am the water of life. Come to Me and I will quench your thirst. I love You! You may go in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, in My love and with My mercy. And, dearest children, pray, pray, pray.”
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥