Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello my Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I adore You and praise You, Lord and I love You! Thank You for the gift of Your life to redeem me. Thank You for the Sacraments, for Holy Mass. Thank You for the saints in Heaven who intercede for us, Your people. Thank You for Our Lady Queen of the saints and Queen of Heaven and Earth, our Mother. Thank You for every good gift as all come from You. Lord, You know all who are in my heart. I bring each one to You and lay them at the foot of Your cross. I pray especially for those who are ill, Jesus. Help them, heal them in their every need. Bring them close to Your Heart, Lord from which love and mercy pour forth on the world. Bring all who are away from the one true, holy and Apostolic Faith to You, Jesus. Bring them back to the family of Christ in His Church. End all division, Lord as only You can do. Guard, guide and direct Your Church through these treacherous waters and lead us in the way You would have us go, toward Your Heavenly Kingdom. Help us, Jesus to follow You more closely than ever. Keep me on Your path, Lord through the help and graces of Your Mother. Jesus, please give me Your guidance and direction regarding all of my concerns and questions. You know everything, my Jesus.
“My child, you are struggling with many things but you must give them all to Me and trust Me to work all to My glory and in accordance to My Will. When you give Me your concerns, I work everything out, so be of good cheer and have a light heart. I take care of You, my child. It has always been this way. Did I not hear your prayers for your friend and My child (name withheld)? Have I not arranged for My holy priest son to minister to her? You are aware of My great love and mercy and approach Me with confidence, therefore trust in Me and all that I Will for your friends and family members. You have spoken about My answer to prayer, and you know this. I speak of it only to reinforce and confirm this for you. I speak of it also to remind you to trust in Me and to be joyful knowing I am in control. I work through My children. I am working through you, My little one. Rejoice, My daughter, you have My love and friendship. Do you realize how much freedom there is in this? When I was on earth, My friends had more confidence in approaching Me with their needs or the needs of others. In fact, I counted on them to do so. People often went directly to My friends to request needs for healing and words of life. This was not necessary, but it is human nature. There were many souls who felt more free to approach one of My disciples or My beautiful Mother to communicate their desires first. This is the way of holy intercession. You are My friend and people have and will continue to come to you with their burdens or needs. You bring them to Me, along with your other brothers and sisters. I gather every request and petition and place them in My Sacred Heart where only love, mercy and goodness resides. This means, My Will, will be done. I especially love prayers that rise up from hearts full of love and concern for others. These are true prayers of the heart.”
“Pray from the heart My children. Pray from your love of another.> Pray from your needs and desires. Pray from a genuine and sincere love of God knowing Him as your Father who is benevolent and caring. Trust, My Children of the Light. Be holy witnesses to God’s love. What is needed most in every corner of the world, is love; My love. My love is the answer to all of the problems in the world. My mercy springs forth from My love to bind wounds, to heal the broken hearted, to bring peace and joy and to free the oppressed. The world oppresses, but I make all who call on My Holy Name free. I liberate captives now just as I did during My earthly ministry. I heal the wounded and the sick now, just as I did during My earthly ministry. My power is not diminished because I am no longer alive physically on the earth. That is a false notion. Do not listen to anyone who makes this claim. This is a grave error. My child, I am pleased with your words today regarding My power. I am God, and I work through My Church. I work through all who believe in Me. I am not limited by anything; not by space, nor time, nor worldly circumstances. By My own Will, I limit Myself out of love and respect of the individual will. If one refuses My love, I do not force Myself on them, for that would be unloving to do so. To force Myself would be to usurp the very dignity that I bestow on humanity. I cannot be untrue to what I create, because I AM truth itself. Therefore, I count on you, My Children of the Light, My followers to pray for others, to sacrifice and to minister to those who have cold hearts, and to those in need of love, healing and peace. Be merciful and minister to your brothers and sisters in need, for this is love. This is living the Gospel of your Jesus. I am all love and I call My disciples to pick up your cross and follow Me, the Love. Reflect on this. Meditate on the cross and what it means to follow Me on the path of love.”
“My child I am working in the hearts of your family members. I am working in the lives of those for whom you pray. I am working in your life, even when you are unaware. Rejoice and be glad. I take care of everything. Thank you for following the divine prompts I send you. Your heart is more open to My Spirit and you are acting upon these prompts! To do so is to love and to trust. You are growing in this, My child. I know you do not think so, for you focus on your deficiencies. I focus on your acts of faith and love. You are not perfect, I know. You are being perfected in My Heart. Sometimes progress is slow and sometimes it is fast. It is on My timetable. I bring you through trials to increase your trust in Me. I bring you through trials to have an offering, My child. Even the burdens you carry out of love for others are a cross offered to Me for souls. I will take any act of love, My child. Any act, even a burden carried from love, and use the graces that you have cooperated with to bring light, love, mercy and healing. My children pray, learn, and act in the world. You move about filled with graces from the Sacraments and from My Holy Mother and you take these into the world. The world cannot help but be changed by My grace working in and through My children of love. The whole world will change one day when I pour out My Spirit and the Triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart occurs. In the meantime, prepare for Her Triumph by doing your part to bring My love to others. This time, this Age of Disobedience will, through My love, become the Age of Obedience to My Will. You are living now at the threshold of this time. Be bold in your acts of gentle love. Be bold in your witness to the truth. Be bold and confident and always gentle with souls in need for they are fragile and only I know what they are going through. Therefore, you must rely on your Jesus to guide you. I care for each and every person, My child, for all are My children. Therefore, love them as I love them. Pray for them as I pray for them to Our Father in Heaven. Be merciful as I am merciful. Through My love and mercy, the world will change and My Mother’s Heart will triumph. There is no heart created by God who loves Me more than My Mother loves Me. She gives graces from Her Immaculate Heart, the heart of love, the heart that nurtured the Son of God and it is from this heart, the Immaculate Heart, that My flame of love will be ignited and spread through the entire world, just as fire spreads rapidly when conditions are dry, so will the flame of love spread. There is much dryness in this dark world, but take heart knowing that dryness can be ignited in leaves and kindling by a very small spark which spreads rapidly through forests and burns in a devastating way, just as the fires in California, My child. Only, My flame purifies. My flame sets dry, cold hearts on fire with My holy love. The flame of love is My Mother’s perfect love for Me. Man loves imperfectly but My Mother loved with perfection. This love from Her heart will spread like fire and the Holy Spirit, the love will fan the flames until the entire earth burns brightly with the love of God. This, My little lamb will be the Renewal. You will know, My child when you are in the time of the Renewal, as will all people alive on earth and alive in Heaven. It will be a time of deep love and unity with God and all things will be new in the light and love of God. So, take heart during your trials and take this opportunity to offer them freely and with joy (each and every trial and burden) no matter how small or how large. Offer all for your Jesus to save souls. This then becomes the living sacrifice and a beautiful offering for God.”
“My child, I am with you and I will never leave you to face your trials alone. When you feel alone, I am even closer to you. Be encouraged and remember this. I love you. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You! Thank You for Holy Mass today. Thank You for our beautiful visit with (names withheld) yesterday. Thank You for all You are doing in our family and with our friends. Be with those who are dying, Lord wherever they are and console them. Put their heads on Your Sacred Heart and infuse Your love into their souls so they will cease to be afraid. Carry them in Your arms, sweet Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you, My child. I am with you. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia. Thank You, Jesus.
“I bless you in the names of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, My dear little one.”
Amen, Jesus. Amen!
Source: ➥