Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, May 20, 2019
Urgent call from God the Father to His faithful People. Message to Enoch.
My Angels will make their trumpets heard.

Peace to you My people, inherit mine.
Shema (Listen O'), Israel:
The time of my Mercy is about to come to an end; already the thousandths of this (Mercy), has begun its countdown. All in the creation has entered its final stage of transformation. Poor humanity that continues in his wickedness and sin, by giving Me his back and not his face, because if you do not repent in time, you are already not going to have a new dawn! Fireballs due to the commotion of the universe, are about to enter the orbit of your planet and many of them for my Will, will punish the sin and wickedness of the evil nations.
Listen My people, who live in one of these nations: My angels will make their trumpets heard in them 7 days before the Chastisement comes. This will be the sign telling you that you must leave these nations, just as Lot did with his family. If you do not leave, you run the risk of dying at the passing of my Justice. Sinful stiff-necked humanity, wake up because your salvation is at stake! Know that your life in this world is very short and transitory, there are no material wealth with which you can buy it or extend it. Only those who fulfill my Precepts and put their trust and hope in Me, will be able to extend their days and see the dawn of a new sunrise tomorrow.
Listen Israel, People of Mine, the time of tragedy is approaching; run to put your accounts in order, that your greatest concern is to achieve the joy of salvation. Listen: Adulterers, lustful ones, impure ones, fornicators, homosexuals, prostitutes, thieves, swindlers, slanderers, idolaters, liars, alcoholics and other sinners who walk in this world without God and Law. None of you, if you continue with sin, will be able to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
Understand foolish ones that I do not want your death, but that you live eternally; that is why as a Father I ask you to return to Me, before I discharge upon you My Arm of Justice. Listen to my last calls and leave your sin, wickedness and spiritual deafness, so that tomorrow you may live forever. See that the Boat of My Mercy is already moving away and with it your hope of life; What are you waiting for to go onto it? The sun is already at sunset and very soon the night will come, when this happens, no one will listen to you and save you.
Oh My Zion, what will become of you, when the night comes? Already the horses of the nations and their men are ready for war; many sobbing mothers prepare themselves to say goodbye to their children, who probably may not return! What will become of the Daughter of my People, when the war comes? She will be sullied by the enemy and her honor trampled. Oh, My Israel, mourn for your brave men who will not return; clothe yourselve in sackcloth and cover your face with ashes; sing mournful chants, for the days of tragedy and sorrow are approaching! The peace and joy of My People will turn to weeping and mourning.
Everything is about to change, what you know today, tomorrow will no longer be; in fractions of a second everything will be destabilized; you will turn from joy into sadness, from peace into despair, and from light into darkness. Only those who fear the Lord and trust in Him will be able to stand firm in the hard trials that are about to begin.
Remain in my Peace, People of Mine, My inheritance.
Your Father, Yahweh, Lord of the Creation Make my messages known in all the ends of the earth.