Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Urgent call of Mary who sanctifies to the people of God. Message to Enoch.
Abortion opens up spiritual doors to demons.

My beloved little Children, the Peace of my Son be with you all and my Maternal Protection always accompany you.
Little children, I am very sad about the increase of abortions in the world; the sexual debauchery of the young, the promiscuity among couples, the adultery, the satanic trend of feminism and all of the other ideologies contrary to Faith and to the healthy social, moral and spiritual customs, existing in the world today; that is what is leading the youth to turn away from God and to shed the blood of My innocent creatures.
Little children, the sin of abortion makes Heaven cry and it is leading thousands of young people and couples to their condemnation. The soul of the couples who decide to abort is black, the same is for the soul of the professional in medicine or the person who practices it. They are all equally responsible before God for this execrable crime. If they do not repair, ask God for forgiveness and go to confession, they run the risk of being eternally lost when they go into eternity.
The woman who aborts makes a sepulchre of her womb, blacks her soul, stains her conscience and drive away the spirit of God, for the time she delays to go to confession, to repair and to ask for forgiveness about this crime. The same happens to man, the professional of medicine or the person who practices it they become cursed before God's Eyes, if death takes them by surprise, without having repaired for it, without having confessed it, and without having asked God for forgiveness they are at risk of being condemned.
The sin of abortion opens up spiritual doors for the entrance of demons in those who practice it. The children born tomorrow to a mother who has aborted, need to have the prayer of healing and liberation in their wombs so that they are free from the spirit of abortion so that they do not continue tomorrow to shed innocent blood. Stop heartless mothers to continue shedding innocent blood, for this sin can lead you to eternal damnation! Who are you to destroy the cycle of life that God has created? I remind you that there is life from the very moment that the ovule is fecundated, any interruption made to it, it is already a mortal sin, it is a murder.
Abandon your sexual promiscuity little children, remember that sex is only allowed by Heaven for the continuation of the kind, within the Sacrament of Marriage with the blessing of God. Any relationship before marriage is fornication and any relationship outside marriage is adultery; these sins are strongly punished by the Divine Justice, if they are not confessed and atoned. The sin of abortion, if one is not liberated from it, becomes a curse for the generations of the couples who practiced it.
Reconsider my rebellious little children and do not continue shedding innocent blood! Abortionist mothers, your conscience, will be your worst judge; tomorrow when you come to eternity, your pain will increase in seeing the creatures you denied life! You will see the plan God had for them and that you stopped; this innocent blood that you shed, will cry for justice tomorrow in eternity. Abortionist mothers, atone and confess for this execrable crime, now that you still have Mercy; in order for your souls not to be lost at the passage of the Divine Justice!
Remain in the Peace of my Lord.
Your Mother, Mary Who Sanctifies.
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