Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son and children this is Mother Mary through the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity. As you know, My son, the prayers of My remnant faithful has held off many attacks on America that would have crippled it by now if it would not have been for the prayers. Please keep encouraging My children to keep praying as much as they can to lessen the major attacks from satan on your country. Your country is going to fall but pray hard that it is not in winter for it will be much harder for My children to survive. Satan knows that we are now on his time that he has been allotted and he is very desperate to get your country in martial law so he can torment them for a larger time before satan and all the elect and evil people fall.
My son We are praying from Heaven for all of you more than ever before. Please encourage all of Our children to ask and beg for these prayers from Heaven and use them for the salvation of all of Our children. The flu viruses and the diseases are being put in the air and the flu shots are being given as you write. The plan to take out your electric to much of your country is being planned again by the one world people for their first plan has been stopped by the prayers of the faithful and by the angels from Heaven stopping them before they could get it done.
The chip is being pushed by your leaders and president to get through and take over all your country. The leaders of America, Canada, and Mexico are about to meet and decide when they will turn over their countries to the one world government. Things are moving fast but not nearly as fast as the evil side wants it. You are being blessed with more time before the takeover and less time for the evil to rein. Pray and beg all your brothers and sisters to pray so the time of evil is lessened even more. Thanks for listening My son. This is your Mother Mary through the heart of the Most Beloved Trinity. Love, Mary.