Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, it is I Mary your Mother from Heaven, and for all My children on earth. I want to thank you for writing the hard message yesterday. My Son wishes to speak today.
My beloved son. What you received yesterday is from your Father in Heaven. Things are about to happen that will shake the foundation of your earth and also the foundation of your soul if not grounded deep within the rock of your God. No more will lukewarm Christians or Catholics that think they will just follow the world will be able to survive the shock from the earth or the shock that their soul will feel when your God presents the Warning and the Illumination of Conscience to all His children. I tell all My children again that you MUST get your soul in a state of grace. For Catholics it means going to confession and confessing to a priest the sins you remember. And for Christians, look up to God with deep sorrow in your heart and tell God your sins and ask forgiveness and try not to do them again. And confess them each time you sin against God with sorrow in your heart. For all those who do not know how to ask, I ask others to ask forgiveness for every soul on the face of the earth and they will be given the graces to say yes to God during the Warning through the prayers and the graces from their brothers and sisters. Father wishes to speak.
My beloved son, I love all My children dearly but they MUST make a strong repentance from their heart to be saved. Others can help them by their prayers and graces but it still has to come from their heart as they say, Jesus please forgive me for all the sins and wrong things I have sinned against you and I love you dearly and do not want to go to hell. I am giving you these words so they have an idea how to talk to their Father in Heaven and ask forgiveness. This is all My son. Thanks for listening. Tell them to read the 10 Commandments and the sacraments. This will help the ones that can get these books to read. And also tell the ones who can get a bible to read it and that will help you get to where you need. Thanks, Father.