Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, I love you dearly. This is your Sweet Jesus. I know you and all your friends are suffering for the sins of the world and for the sake of saving souls. We from Heaven will give you the grace to continue to go on even though you are all tired and weary. Things are going in God’s time and God’s plan as you know. Satan is not getting everything done that he intended to. Heaven is gaining some ground for the sake of souls and to stop abortion. Many are in Washington today to protest and this makes Us happy in Heaven.
We are with all of you in this battle for souls. It will continue to get worse for satan is losing ground and becoming most vicious. He will sacrifice everything to try to win as a major battle, but he knows down deep he will never win against God. He knows he will take some of his demons with him, but he will never be able to take God’s children who said yes to God. God will protect all who ask Him for forgiveness and grace. Please do not be one of those who do not ask forgiveness. Satan will never forgive, but your God will always forgive you. Love from Heaven. Thanks.