Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, this is Mother Mary and all the Holy Trinity. Tell My beloved daughter (she just returned from Medjugorje) that I love her dearly. You two, and many others, are a fighting team for your Jesus. I have setup more teams against satan just like in the army. For some battles I just use one team to protect my territory. But for major battles, I use many teams together plus many of My angels and saints to get the job finished. As you told her you are all carriers for your Sweet Jesus. You all take supplies and graces to a certain place and bring graces and supplies back for the people who need them. My spiritual battles work just like the physical battles on earth. The only difference is the spiritual battles for Heaven are for good of My children’s souls. The battles of satan both spiritually and physically are for the destruction of all God’s children, souls and bodies. Satan does not want anything saved that God has made. He wants to destroy all the earth and take every soul to hell. I, your God, want to purify the earth and make every soul beautiful and happy and take them into the new era of peace I talk about in the Our Father—God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Those living on earth who are living in God’s Will will see this new era of peace if I, your God, chooses you to live through the great chastisements. If you are living in God’s grace and trying to do God’s will and asking forgiveness for your sins you will end up in Heaven or live in the new era of peace very soon so I your God am begging you to get in a state of grace, ask forgiveness for your sins, and go to confession if Catholic. Then you will know that you will be taken during the tribulation to Heaven or Purgatory or end up in the refuge and live in the new era of peace. This is all for now. Love all the Holy Trinity and Mother Mary.