Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, August 11, 2017
Feast of Our Lady of the Way [St. Charles, Missouri]
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael as Protector of Heaven’s Words from Mary, the Mother of God

My love, My beautiful one and all My most beautiful children, what you and your friend were just talking about on the phone is on track [we talked about the bright star at the birth of Jesus, the eclipse at the death of Jesus, the 8/21/17 eclipse, the Revelation12:1 signs in the sky* culminating on 9/23/17, and the 10/12/17 asteroid]. The signs in the sky that you discussed are all part of the signs of the times you are now in. God has always given signs from Heaven when something major is about to happen on earth while satan counteracts them with natural disasters which are permitted by God because of man’s disobedience. As I told you before, a major war is at your doorstep. Your people have been too lazy and sinful to even see it coming. As I have told you, it can be lessened some with very much prayer, but there WILL be many deaths from war and also from natural disasters.
Heaven has been warning you for one hundred years now and Russia has still not been consecrated as I asked the Pope and Bishop to do in 1917. You will now have to pay the price of disobedience and sins of the flesh in American and all the rest of the world. Your people think they can live their lives the way they choose, but that will work for just a short time in God’s timing. In the time of Noah and the Ark they thought the same thing and wanted to live in the flesh and not listen to the Spirit of God. It did not work then and it will not work this time.
Your days are limited for peace in the world. You are about to get into the most bloody conflict that the world has ever seen. Only the people who go to the refuges will be saved only because of My Son’s power and protection for them. Be ready for anything from the land, the sea, or the air. Also, be ready for natural disasters from the earth.
Pray like you have never prayed before because your life depends on it. Your disobedience earned it for you by not listening to Heaven and My Son but by playing all of satan’s games of sinful conduct and by killing Our children. Love, the Mother of God. Pray, fast, and ask forgiveness, for anyone can be forgiven who asks forgiveness from their God. Be at peace for you are always safe in God’s hands. Amen.
*An article on Revelation 12:1 signs: