Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Feast Day of Our Lady of the Candles, Canary Islands
Come Holy Spirit and St. Michael as Guard and Protector of God’s Words to His Son

My beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Mother Mary wants to speak to you.
My love My most beautiful son and all My beloved children. I am here as a Sorrowful Mother begging for prayers to save all My lost children. I’m asking all of My children to please pray much. The time is so critical for the souls of My children. Many are dying and many more will die soon. Please tell My children to ask, and ask, and ask for graces from My Son and Me, your Mother, for all the graces that are available for Our children in this era of time that is about to be ended.
I do not want to lose any of Our children so tell them to ask for the Flame of Love from My heart and My Son’s heart. We are both on fire with love to give to any of Our children just for the asking. The grace will give you strength to ask forgiveness for all your past sins and to get you back in a state of grace. Do not delay any longer because many more will die very soon from natural disasters and also from manmade disasters.
My heart longs for you and bleeds blood of love for each of My children. I do not want to lose any of you because each of you is a special child to Me. Please be with Me and Jesus for all eternity in Heaven and not with satan in hell for all eternity. All I can do is offer you grace and plead for your return. Love, Mother Mary.