Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Friday, January 26, 2018

Come Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Family


My most beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. Tell My children to prepare for the next natural disasters that are getting close—there will be some major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Please pray for all who will die. My hand is falling on America a little at a time. The further it falls to earth, the more damage that will happen with each event. I am a merciful Father and I give My children time to repent, but the longer you stay in the will of satan and the world, the worse the disasters will get until they will destroy almost everything you have.

Look at just the few disasters that have been permitted by your God: Texas; Puerto Rico; Florida; the fires, floods, crop damage, and earthquakes in California; a major earthquake in Alaska; extreme rains, storms, and snow, as well as wind, cold, and hail in most of America. You are still living in the sins of abortion and same sex unions—it is not marriage.

You are going to have to stop and listen to Me, your God, or pay the price of losing everything, and end up in deep purgatory or hell for all eternity. My hand is heavy on America and if more people do not change their lives from sin and sickness to the love of God, things will get worse than anything that your mind can even comprehend. This is the Most Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Family and all of Heaven crying for your return to your God of Love and Mercy. Love, all of Heaven. Amen.

Source: ➥