Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, France

My beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. Your country needs lots of mercy now, but to receive lots of mercy, your country and your world have to ask for it and stop sinning and start living the Ten Commandments. I told you awhile back that the doors of the ark were closing in your time on earth just as they were in Noah’s time on earth because of the sins of the flesh. Then you read in the Holy Love messages that I told them on the 10th of January the doors of the ark in Noah’s time had been closed. As of February 11th, they have been closed for 31 days. That gives you 9 more days before the water covered the earth in Noah’s time. This should wake up the people on earth who are asleep. I told you in one of your latest messages that My hand was falling down toward earth more each day and that the further it fell the more natural disasters and worse disasters you would see until the people of the earth started praying more and started following the Ten Commandments.
The President and Vice President are listening but your Congress and Senate are doing little but fighting each other most of the time. I told you, your time as a country and world was running out as you see it and know it, and you would start living as a 3rd world countries. Very little has changed as far as the sins of the flesh but there are more prayers being said now, but they are mostly coming from the same people. There has to be much more prayer from more people or you will see many more disasters and much more damage and loss of life until the majority of the people are on their knees praying. You could be going to the refuges soon if more prayers are not said and more people will be in danger of losing their lives due to natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
I am telling you what is happening in your world at this time in history. I am telling you what happened in Noah’s time in history as I told him, but very few listened until it was too late. They wanted everything they desired when they wanted it and lost everything they had. I am telling you that you are very close to the same situation that Noah was in during his time on earth. Are you going to continue to keep making the same decisions and following satan and lose Heaven for all eternity for a few pleasures of the flesh that will take you to hell? Or, will you change your life from sickness and sin to joy and love of God in Heaven? The choice is yours My children. I gave you free will so you would not have to live as a slave but you have chosen slavery for the sake of satan that will lead you to hell for all eternity if you do not change very soon.
My children wonder why I repeat things over and over so many times. This is how you learn, by doing things over and over and seeing things over and over. Do you not see how satan gets you to be his slave and addicted to the sins of the flesh? He shows you the sins of the flesh in movies, on television, and in songs. By hearing and seeing evil, you become very evil after a short time. But, by being around a good person or a group of good people you become a good person by watching good movies or good shows, by listening to good music, or by going to church.
Everything satan does comes from God because satan learned from God. Satan just takes everything good and turns it around. He puts evil words instead of good words and evil and lust pictures instead of good pictures. It is as simple as that to be good or evil. It is as simple as that between a good and an evil person. You cannot be around evil people all the time without a lot of prayer and graces from God to stay good. You cannot be around good people all the time and not become like them. Watch how people react when they are talking to each other. They will go along with what others are saying instead of standing up for their own beliefs. When people work and pray with a lot of good people they learn to stand up for Christ instead of allowing others to remain ignorant in their sinful ways. Love, your Jesus of love and mercy.