Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Plague in Rome ends after Pope St. Gregory the Great leads a procession with a painting of Our Lady by Saint Luke (Year of 591)

My son, this is Jesus of love and mercy. The title of Our Lady’s feast day of February 24th of the plague in Rome ties with the flu epidemic that is going on in the world today. You will continue to see diseases getting worse all over the world. As I have told My children, sin brings sickness. Major sins that are committed in your country and the world today will bring many plagues, many natural disasters of every kind, and will bring the worst disasters your country has ever seen. Be ready for the worst and have your soul in a state of grace and as pure as it has ever been in your life.
It is going to take a lot from your God and very little from the sins of the flesh to endure the trials coming and that are happening behind closed doors now as we are writing. If you knew what the 10% of the most evil people are doing now with a lot of your children, you would not be able to stand it. These people are not just the rough people on the street, they are mostly the top leaders in your country who are making the most money.
I have told you many times My son, that 10% of the people are the worst evil people in the world and totally possessed by satan and another 10% of the people are the most holy people on earth. The other 80% of the people ride the fence going one way or the other in whatever way they choose in order to feel the best. They have all kinds of gods, but not the one Holy God of Heaven. As I have told you before, people live for God alone, or for God and self, or for God and satan and self, or for satan and self, or they live for satan only. The 10% on the bottom live for satan only and the 10% on the top live for God only. This may sound harsh, but this is true in today’s world.
My children choose God and Heaven or be a slave of satan and choose hell. My children, I forgive and forget if you beg forgiveness with your heart no matter what you have done. Satan never forgives and he never forgets and he tortures you till death here on earth and for all eternity if you follow him. Your Jesus of love and mercy.