Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, February 8, 2019
Feast of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Lily, France

My most beloved son and all My children, this is God the Father with all of Heaven protecting the words as you write. Tell your friend that all of Heaven is very happy with her last two pictures of Our Lady of America and the teenage martyr of Mexico.
I come to tell you that the leaders in your Democrat party are not following their God and the Ten Commandments; and your Holy Catholic Church leaders are not following the Church teachings in many places. Many of your leaders were sent into your country in the last forty years for one purpose—to destroy America. They are now in the top leading positions in your church, in your government, and are the leaders of your states and your big cities.
I have been sending you many storms in your country and throughout the world. There is nothing that I can do except keep destroying your country and the world with one natural disaster after another. They will continue to get worse and start destroying more people and more cities each day until the laws of abortion and the sins of the flesh are stopped by all your governments. As I have told you many times, I God your Father will not let your laws go on to destroy another generation. The natural disasters will continue to go on until many of My children either repent or are killed by natural disasters.
As I have told you, the President and Vice President of America were chosen from Heaven to lead the rest of the world back to the Ten Commandments. Your Democrat leaders are full of satan himself and are not working for the people of your country. They will all be taken down and destroyed, whoever does not repent. I am speaking to ALL people to repent, but especially to the leaders of the countries, of the Church, and in the public offices that are teaching everything but the Ten Commandments of God. My justice is now being put in front of you by natural disasters just like in the time of Noah and the floods. Repent and save your soul and go to Heaven or keep offending your God and go to hell for all eternity. God the Father of Heaven and Earth.