Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes, France
Come Most Holy Trinity to Protect Our Most Holy Mother’s Words

My love, My beautiful one and all My beautiful children. My son, the Father told you yesterday that the world is in a spiritual war now between good and evil. The truth between good and evil is starting to be seen in the world. All the evil leaders in the Church and in your government, are being brought to the light. My Son is now letting the evil leaders be seen for who they really are. Most of all the top leaders of your country and some of your Church leaders have been working for satan behind closed doors. Most of the public have not even known that the leaders of your country were working and being lead by the one world leaders to take America down, to make it a poor country, and to take it over.
My Son has told you many times that your President and Vice President were chosen from Heaven to drive the evil out of the White House. That is being done right now and Heaven needs many prayers and sacrifices to complete this mission. You are in a serious war above you in the spiritual world. Heaven is fighting to bring your country back to God. Prayer and Divine Intervention from God is the only way that you can win this war. God has saved many graces for this time in the history of the world but He expects many prayers from My Army (Mary’s Army) who have been given much knowledge and grace, to help us win this war. God has told you that you MUST win the spiritual war against satan or your country will go into a physical war in which many people will die.
Pray much now so your good leaders can take satan down and keep America a free country and not be controlled by satan and the one world union. Satan’s plan is to make North, Central and South America a one world union controlled by the Communist government. Do not lose this last chance to stay a free country. Love, your Mother Mary.