Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, November 2, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Given: in Itapiranga at 5:00 PM to: Edson Glauber
"Peace be with you!
Dear children, once again I come from Heaven to bless you. I ask each one of you to obey and live My Holy Messages of conversion.
I tell you that the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world draws nearer and nearer, but I also tell you that the day is coming when Divine Justice will suddenly fall upon all sinful humanity.
Do not remain deaf to My appeals. Many times I cry for your sake, My children. If you would listen to My pleas, you would not suffer the consequences of sin.
Pray, pray, pray, and try to love your brothers with the love of Christ.
Today, remember your dead, because many need hearts, for they are suffering the pains of purgatory. Pray for the deceased so that divine grace will comfort them and free them from their pains in purgatory.
God desires each one's sincere return. I am their Mother and I come to bless them. I pray
I pray to God for you and for all those who are far from the Heart of my Son Jesus.
I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"
On this afternoon, Our Lady appeared dressed all in white, accompanied also by two angels also dressed in white.