Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, November 3, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Given: in Itapiranga to: Edson Glauber at 5:00 PM
"Peace be with you!
Dear children, once again I wish you to be converted. My Lord desires the sincere return of each one of you. Pray always and ask in your prayers that God may transform your hearts into true holy temples.
My children, I am still allowed to speak to you, but a time will come when this will no longer be possible. Listen to Me, do not close your hearts. God cannot bear so many sins and so much evil in the world.
Soon, humanity will be purified of its sins. When the day of purification comes, the veil of your eyes will fall, and you will see how horrible sin is, and feel disgust for having committed it, and for having despised God's laws and My Holy messages.
The purification will come as an act of Mercy from Our Almighty God, for without this purification, mankind will never be able to understand the value of honoring and sanctifying the name of Our Lord God. But if mankind does not change and remains obstinate in its crimes it will have to endure a great chastisement.
Pray, pray, pray, and especially for all those who remain unbelievers, for they will suffer much in these days of great tribulations, because they have not known how to take advantage of the graces of heaven. Now I bless you: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"