Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, November 4, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Given: in Itapiranga to: Edson Glauber at 5:00 PM
"Peace be with you!
Dear children, a dense darkness hovers over you. I come from Heaven to warn you. Much prayer is needed to avoid what may come upon the earth in great proportions.
Soon, very soon, difficult times and great mourning are coming upon the whole earth. Men do not know what may befall them. As your Mother, dear children, I come to offer you My Immaculate Heart as a safe haven of protection.
Wake up, My children, wake up. Satan wishes to bring you all misfortunes, wars, violence in terrible proportions so that much blood, the blood of innocent victims will be shed to satisfy his evil intentions.
Pray, My children, pray the Holy Rosary daily, for those who pray the Rosary every day will never be struck down by the snares and attacks of Satan.
You must free yourselves from pride and self-indulgence. Do not be omissive in prayer, because many will be those who will despair and will not even know how to pray in the difficult moments to come.
Be obedient. I, the Queen of Heaven, your Mother, implore you to truly open your hearts to Me.
I am the Queen of Peace, and as the Messenger of God, I want all humanity to prepare for the Great Jubilee that the whole Church, in union with the Pope, is asking of you today.
Prepare yourselves for the new millennium, for behold, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, is coming back to seek those who have been faithful and obedient to Him.
Have respect in the holy places where I have appeared, for I am truly present in these places to distribute to you the graces that God allows Me to give you.
Now I give you My motherly blessing: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
See you soon!"