Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber


Peace my beloved children, the peace of my Son Jesus to all of you!

My children, convert, convert, convert. The peace of the world is threatened and many of you do not put my pleas into practice or obey me.

Wake up... God has been calling you for a long time, through me. It is time to wake up, to take your rosaries, to bend your knees to the ground and pray.

Humanity has forgotten God's Laws and doesn't live them anymore. Pray, pray very much that mercy will still overcome divine justice, for it will descend upon the world in a way never seen before that will make the whole world shake and many places will disappear from the face of the earth.

Accept my call to conversion and intercede every day for the sanctification of priests. Each ruined priest is a great sword of pain that pierces my sorrowful Heart.

Beg for God's mercy for humanity. The world has become deaf, blind and dumb to God, because it only does the will of the devil, who through television, radio and books spreads his kingdom of darkness in many hearts.

Young people are no longer pure or of God. Couples are becoming corrupted in a life of unbridled infidelity and worldly pleasures. But, the greatest pain is to see that many priests behave as children of the world and of sin rather than as Ministers of God and of the Church.

Priests who allow themselves to be led by the seductions of the world walk on the road that leads to hell. Come back, come back to God. He is calling each of you to a change of life.

Return to your homes with the peace and blessing of your Immaculate Mother to fight against every evil within your homes, expelling it and overcoming it through prayer.

Pray, pray, pray. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

During the apparition, when Our Lady spoke of the young people and the couples her physiognomy was sad, but when she spoke of the priests her beautiful face and voice expressed a great pain and sadness that touched my heart very deeply. She showed how much she suffers for them, for these priests who are letting themselves be carried away by the ideas of the world, by its deceptions and seductions. Many are losing their position as priests in order to evangelize in a new way, in order to reach a greater number of souls, but this is the way the devil uses to deceive them, to make them before the others be just mere men and not Ministers of God. If they continue on this path Satan will catch them sooner or later, and the ruin of souls will be much greater than the ones they thought they would win for God in this way, and the damage will be irreparable. Let us pray, therefore, intensifying our prayers more and more for them. God does not go about with fashions, vanities and with new ways, He is always the same.


