Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Once again the Blessed Mother came to communicate her message to me, an important message to all humanity.
Peace my beloved son!
Come, come to the feet of your Hand from Heaven. Approach with trust to me and to my Immaculate Heart which is full of love for the salvation of souls.
I know your weaknesses. I know your pains and your sufferings, but I, your Mother, am not here to console you and help you? Let yourself be guided by me each day. Learn to listen to my voice that speaks to you and educates you on the path of faith and holiness. Learn to obey me always more.
If you want to be pleasing to God, learn to obey even in the greatest cross. That is how you can offer the just reparation to the Lord, because of the many sins and outrages that humanity commits, without stopping to think a little about eternal life. Dedicate yourself to offering yourself to the Father, through the merits of my Divine Son, to beg him for forgiveness and mercy for ungrateful sinners.
The world is letting itself sink into the mire of impure sins, the sins that lead more souls to the terrible fire of hell!...Satan reigns in many hearts singing victory, because many have banished the Lord from their lives.
Men no longer worship God, but have given themselves over to hedonism and lust, corrupting themselves in sins that destroy the purity and holiness of their souls. On this first Saturday of the month, come close to my maternal Heart and beg the Lord, my Divine Son, to give you the strength and courage to dedicate yourself in his holy service. God is with you and I am with you. Ask for the graces needed for you, for your family, for the world, and for anyone.
These meetings of ours are meetings of grace and blessings not only for you, but for the whole of humanity. When I come from heaven, all of heaven moves and intercedes for the salvation of all souls, especially those who have their hearts hardened and closed and who are full of pride.
In many places I have manifested myself, but I have not been well received and believed, because my sons do not listen to me or obey me.
Many of my priest sons are the first to say that I cannot manifest myself. How can I, the Mother of humanity, be so insensitive to the pain and suffering of many of my children? Others say that my manifestations are demonic and not from God. How can you call the Mother of Beautiful Love, who loves you so much and wants you well, who shows you her maternal Heart inflamed with flames of love, something evil from hell?
No my children, don't act like that. Listen to your Mother who speaks to you. Don't be fooled by the devil. If you really saw how he is and how he acts, you would not say such offensive and insulting words against your heavenly Mother, your Immaculate Mother.
Do not persecute or destroy my prophets, my messengers. This is the Lord's request! Many of them are ridiculed, mistreated, slandered and persecuted. Some are martyrs already in life, offering the last drop of their offering to the Lord. They are seeking to do the Lord's will, despite the many crosses, pains and afflictions inflicted on them by many of you, in many places where I manifest myself. They will receive the reward promised by my Divine Son, but what about those who have been the cause of pain, crosses and persecution? Who refused to believe and to change their lives? The fire is burning for all eternity and the divine sentence is weighing on the heads of many. Change your lives. Convert yourselves. Convert yourselves. Convert yourselves. Priests and Bishops of the Lord, do not destroy the extraordinary gifts of God. Do not prevent the Lord from acting to save his people, for what you do not do he will do. What you do not pray, he gathers his own to pray. What you cannot sacrifice for the sake of his Kingdom, he calls and chooses those who will do and listen to his voice and the pleas of his Heart.
Be united, be faithful to God. Do not be compact with evil, because evil comes to want to destroy you and make you suffer. Be of God and not of the world. Leave your laziness aside, take your rosaries and give an example to all souls.
God will clean everything that is dirty and will make many dioceses go through pain and blood, especially where the cup of his justice has overflowed, because of the innumerable infidelities and sins of his unfaithful Ministers.
Learn to listen to the voice of God. Learn to pray with the extraordinary charisms that God brings forth in many places in the world to help his Church and save the world. Only then will the Holy Spirit act powerfully, cutting every weed, smoothing the paths, and restoring hearts and souls.
Come back, all my children come back to God: bishops and priests, religious and consecrated people, and all the faithful. Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit, through my Immaculate Heart, because the difficult times to come will leave no stone unturned, and those who do not stand firm on the powerful and sure rock, which is my Son Jesus, will not be able to stand.
Let families consecrate themselves to our three Sacred Hearts, because only the families that follow the model and the virtues of the Holy Family, of my family, will be able to do the will of God until the end.
What God has united, let man not separate. What God has created, let man not destroy. Let man not change what God has left by his divine will, for all change leads not to eternal life, but to hellfire.
May my motherly blessing on this first Saturday of the month be extended to all families all over the world: fathers, mothers and children. This is the Lord's will, sublime will, holy will. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!