Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, December 8, 1993
Feast of Immaculate Conception

(Marcos): (The Virgin appeared in the Tabernacle. In the middle of strong Light, she declared, going down the steps of a 'luminous staircase':)
"- I am the Immaculate Conception! I am the Mother of Grace, Mother of all men! The Lord sends Me again to give them My Messages.
Dear children, Russia has been consecrated to Me, but not converted at all*. Pray for Russia and for all atheistic countries, that they may be converted and have peace!
I come to this Church, (the Matrix) for Me so blessed, to make you understand My LOVE. Everyone who comes here to beg for Grace will receive it, and My Protection. Here, My Son wants to be adored, LOVED, exalted and glorified by all. May everyone come here to pray!
+The world will be consecrated to Me, and Peace will be granted to it. Pray the Rosary every day and pray for the Peace of the world!"(Marcos): (Showing the heart surrounded by flowers:)
"- You are the ones who console My Heart the most in this day. You have removed 'painful thorns' from My Heart. I bless you with LOVE, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
* (Note - Marcos): (Russia was not converted at all because the Consecration requested by Our Lady in Fatima in 1917 was not done. Only in 1988 did the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II consecrate Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a consecration that would have been valid and accepted by the Lord, but it was already late, as the Virgin prophesied at Fatima: "... the Pope will consecrate Russia to Me, but... it will already be late". The consecrations that took place before this one were not 'valid' before GOD, because they did not fulfill the conditions imposed by Him when he asked for this consecration in 1917)