Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, December 9, 1993
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! From Heaven I come and today I ask you again: - Open your hearts to GOD, abandon yourselves to GOD, without measure. so that HE may fill you with Grace and LOVE.
Pray the Rosary, dear children! The more you pray the Rosary, the closer you will be to my Heart. Dear children, the Rosary will be the Great 'Weapon' with which you will overcome the snares of the world.
GOD LOVES you so much and you do little for Him. Give yourselves to Him and make your lives the property of YOUR LOVE. "(of GOD's LOVE)
(Marcos): (Showing His Heart, he said:)"-Behold My Immaculate Heart! My LOVE for each one of you, dear children, is immense! I LOVE you with all my Heart" (Marcos):
"This is the time when My adversary is marking his followers with the blasphemous sign; so too I am marking My followers, My beloved children, with the Sign of the Cross of My Son.
Everyone who lives in the LOVE of GOD and fulfills My Desires, will be marked with My Sign.
I thank you for your prayers and bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".