Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 1, 1999
Feast of Holy Mary,

Mother of GOD
"- Dear children, the world makes a lot of noise, but this is worth nothing. GOD remains, even though man does not want to serve Him or obey Him.
GOD is ABSOLUTE. GOD is ETERNAL, and HE is above blindness, evil, and the incredulity of human beings.
GOD will remain forever, however, only those who are with GOD, and those who are truly of GOD, will remain eternally happy, not by words, but by deeds and deeds.
I invite each of you to think about why I am with you for so many years. Soon this Grace of My Presence will cease everywhere on earth, remaining only Medjugorje as the last place.
Therefore, I invite each of you to answer the total YES to Me. Let Me reign in the will, in the thoughts, in the words, in the deeds, in the life of each one of you.
This will be a year in which heavy sufferings will have to be borne by you, with patience, but. it is not a reason for despair, it is not a reason for fear. This is not what I want from you. What I want from you is Faith, it is total trust in Me! I am the Supplicant Omnipotence, and I can do anything with My Son.
I will always help and protect, as a shield of LOVE, those who are Mine, but. those who are far from Me and don't want My protection, nor My presence, to those I won't be able to help, and I will have to drop them in the hole, that they dug themselves.
My children, may this year be the Year of the Rosary! May you pray this year all the Rosary that you have never prayed in your lives. Try to pray more during this year! and that is why from three hours of prayer a day, I want you to increase it to four.
Now it is a time of more prayer. and instead of visiting the Blessed Sacrament only once a week on Thursdays, I also ask on Saturdays.
Little children, understand that the more you pray, the more I can help you. Know that my Immaculate Heart is performing great wonders on earth.
Pray and have confidence in Me. I am with you! Do not pay attention to the people who want to take you away from the prayers and fasts I have asked of you, but rather, My children, follow the path I have marked out for you, which is difficult, which is bitter, but... it is the only way, if you want to reach GOD.
You complain about the sufferings. How do you want to reach Heaven without suffering? You complain about your difficult life, but... you forget about My Sorrows, the Feet of the Cross, on Calvary!
You complain that you cannot pray or fast because you are not healthy, but. you do not look at the wounds of my Son on the Cross, and the tears that I shed at the Feet of the Cross!! and that I still shed today in so many places on earth.
You say that sometimes you are too old, sometimes too tired, sometimes too exhausted to pray or to fulfill any other request of Mine, but you forget that in Heaven, I and the Angels and all the Saints, we pray without ceasing for each one of you, and not even a small part of the day wants to give Me.
Even after I have made so many Graces and Signs before your eyes to believe, your Faith has not increased. Because you pray little, you have weak Faith, and that is why you are constantly leaving aside the Mission that GOD has given you.
I invite you to pray more, and to be closer to my Heart, like a wreath of flowers. This year, I want to use you powerfully to fulfill My designs, but if you do not pray, I cannot do anything for you. Remember that prayer, united to Mine, can do everything for GOD.
Pray for the Pope. Pray for Him, for He suffers so much! At this moment he feels alone in the Vatican. There is no one to talk to Him, nor to whom He can tell of His sufferings. Pray for Him! Pray for Him, and GOD will bless and reward you.
I invite you also to open your eyes and your hearts. You will recognize, in the course of this year, the fulfillment and realization of many Messages that I have given you in past years. Satan will act like a cat, he will arrive in the shadows, without anyone noticing. Satan will act like a serpent, will come sneaking in without his victim seeing him, and at the right moment he will want to win. But, trust in Me! because My Immaculate Foot will crush your attempts, if you are praying.
I invite you also to surround this Mount of more prayer! Come many times here to pray, because Heavenly FATHER has given me a gift to give to you too. He granted Me the grace to pour out more abundantly His mercy, His forgiveness and His love in the places of My free choice. and one of the places that I chose to accomplish all this that the Father granted Me was this Mount and this Cross.
All those who come here to pray will not leave, will not return helpless, or empty-handed, or without My LOVE. This is why I ask that this Place be closed from now on, and only the son who sees Me enter here! All of you stay outside, praying fervently, because this Place is Holy, and it can't be stepped on anyway.
I wish that beside this Altar, many candles burn, day and night, constantly, to celebrate and memorize forever, the Presence of GOD that has been granted to this Place.
I also wish that My children come here many times a day, to speak to Me. I want to speak to their hearts, with LOVE.
I ask each one of you that during this year we can raise a great force of intercession and prayer in order to cancel and neutralize all the evil that is in the world, and then we can overshadow Satan, so that he becomes blind and can no longer harm the earth.
Courage! Behold, the Sealed Book will be opened, and all the SECRETS that have been sent from Fatima until today will resound all over the world, like strong trumpets blown by the Holy Angels!
Happy are those who are with GOD, for when they hear the sound of these Trumpets they will rejoice and sing praises to GOD, but. woe to those who have rebelled so far and closed themselves against GOD! If they can stand on their legs, they will be able to see the Righteous Wrath of GOD.
So it is the Hour of Grace, it is the Hour of Decision, it is the Hour of the great return to the Lord!
On this day when you celebrate Me as the Holy Mother of GOD, I invite you to raise your eyes to Me, who I carry in My Arms my Child Son, and to be filled with confidence, because the TRIUMPHER is now imminent, and the Glorious RETURN of My Son Jesus is already dawning, announcing the coming of the sun.
I bless you from Lourdes. from Fatima. from La Salette. from Garabandal. from Medjugorje. from Akita. and from every place in the world, where my Immaculate Heart manifested His LOVE and His Mercy!
I also bless you from Jacareí, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit. (pause)
Return Home in the Peace of the Lord".