Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 2, 1999
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I ask you now, at the beginning of this month of January, to redouble your prayers, sacrifices and fasting for the realization of My Plans.
There are many My children among you who are more generous and humbled to fulfill My requests. That is why I ask My children to fast more generously on Mondays during this month of January.
In February you can return to the two days (Wednesday and Friday), but this month, do one more day of fasting, so that My Immaculate Heart TRIUMPH on so much evil and sin committed daily, on the face of the earth.
The devil is stronger with the beginning of this year, and that is why I need more intense fasting and prayers, in order to neutralize and tie him up, so that I can do nothing against you!
I am Powerful, I am Median of all Graces, and Terrible as an Army in battle order, but. GOD has conditioned salvation and liberation from all diabolical influence to his fasting and prayers.
Therefore, little children, for those who are generous, I ask you to make a third day of fasting. However, I don't want to force anyone. You are free, and those who feel the power of this My Motherly Call, heed it, for the salvation of many souls.
I want to draw your attention to why I have been here for so long, speaking and appearing in your midst? Understand that My Heart has poured out in LOVE and Mercy to you, from this land so beloved of the Holy Cross, which is Brazil.
Soon the whole world will know and know what I did in Jacareí. This WORK will be as Immortal as My Name, and that is why I invite you to reflect on the importance of My coming here.
You have not yet understood the VALUE of this Grace! Therefore, with the prayer of the Rosary, ask GOD to reveal to you the meaning of My Appearance, so that you can understand, live and correspond to this so Great Grace, with all your life, with all your heart.
I am with you and I do not abandon you, even when you are in sin and when you no longer want to live with Me. I call you close to my Heart, which feels pain for every child who withdraws and loses faith. My Heart rejoices for each child who, with humility, recognizes his faults and his guilt, raises his eyes to Heaven and begs for forgiveness and peace.
Peace! Peace! Peace! Return to the GOD of Peace, who calls you this year of great sufferings and tribulations! Return to the GOD of Peace, even in the harsh sufferings you will have to face from now on.
Feel the Peace!
Receive My Peace!!
I give you My breath of Peace.
I give you My LOVE, which is the Source of Peace.
I give you my Light and my Immaculate Heart, which is the Source of Peace.
I want each one of you to begin to reread My Messages that I have given you during these years, so that you are prepared, when the time comes for the fight between Heaven, Earth and the forces of evil.
I invite each of you to pray for the Church! Many of my poor children have lost their faith and turned away from the Church! Pray for the return of all My children, especially those who are more distant and dominated by Satan. Pray also for the return of your family members to GOD, for I say to you: - one will be left, and the other will be taken away. Pray that your relatives will be with Jesus!
I will fulfill my promise to save your loved ones, your family members, if you also fulfill your promises to me, and live in prayer, as I have been pleading with you.
Understand that in every country in the world, I have made My Tears of Blood fall from My Eyes, to demonstrate the size of the Pain I feel for the loss of My children.
Wipe My Tears with your prayers! May your Rosary be the fragrant handkerchief you give Me, to wipe My Tears. which overflow from My Heart, flooded by a sea of pains and anguish.
May this Message that I give you now be spread as soon as possible to every corner of the world. May this month of January, this Message be the one you prefer to spread!
Thank you for the love and affection with which you responded to my call! Pray this Consecration Prayer to the Holy Spirit every day, which I will teach you:
Consecration Prayer to the HOLY SPIRIT
I adore You, Holy Spirit. I give my soul to YOU.
You are the Sweet Peace of my spirit.
You are the FIRE that consumes me.
You are the LIGHT that absorbs me.
You are the FORCE that moves me.
You are the LIGHT that involves me.
You are the LIGHT of my eyes.
In YOU I dive, DIVINE FRIEND. In YOU I trust. In YOU I consecrate myself.
I surrender my forces entirely to YOU!
I submit my will to YOUR Grace!
I give You my heart forever, and I will never ask You again.
For the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the Virginal Altar of the Soul of Mary,
I surrender my life so that for YOU is consumed, like a sweet song to YOUR ears, like an incense pleasant to YOUR DIVINITY, and as an offering of love to YOU.
O Holy Spirit, who hovered over the world at the moment of creation, comes upon me and begets Jesus Christ in me,
Wisdom Incarnate, the Eternal Word of GOD, the Infinite LIFE. by Mary, with Mary, and in Mary.