Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 6, 2003
Message of Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)

(Marcos) - They are here! Speak, Madam, that your servant hears you and obeys you. yes..
Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)
“... Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Lady of the Rosary of Sorrows and Tears, I thank you for having prayed for those souls I spoke to you about the previous month, I thank you for all of them already in God's grace, I ask you now to pray for sinners and to pray especially for 98 (ninety-eight) souls on whom Satan is concentrating and wants to lose them at all costs, These souls need the help of your prayers, pray for them as many rosaries as you can, make all the sacrifices and abstinence you can in their intention and I will thank them as soon as I can free them from danger.
... I want you, dear children, to venerate with more love the Wounds of my Son Jesus in your homes, have a crucifix and kiss the Wounds of Jesus with fervor every day, in every kiss ask for the conversion of sinners, ask for forgiveness for all the ingratitude of humanity and for all the sins with which humanity strikes the Heart of Jesus in these times, above all, make displeasure for the greatest sin with which humanity now offends My Divine Son, that is, disobedience refuses to obey Our Apparitions and Our Messages, this sin is the one that most opens wounds in the body of My Divine Son and that most renews His passion, I ask you children to make this displeasure with all love.
...Keep spreading our messages, We will help you with Our grace and we will touch your hearts so that they will open and convert and I will complete them with My grace.
...To all today I ask you to pray the Rosary every day to pray the Rosary of peace and all the other Rosaries that you can.
...I bless you".
(Marcos) - "...Yes, Lord Jesus."
Our Lord (Sacred Heart)
“... My chosen souls, my Sacred Heart, with tenderness and love opens today to grant you Grace, Peace and Mercy, beloved children see how much light I and my Mother cast on your souls in this place, see how much wisdom, see how much knowledge, how much science you receive from us here in this place, in truth here is a school, it is my school of holiness, it is my school of peace, it is my school of love, Here the students who enroll and attend assiduously are formed in love, are formed in the knowledge of the truth, are formed in the true servitude that I desire to receive from you, in this school of holiness we correct your bad habits, we prevent you from dangers and sins that you may fall, we open your eyes to receive the light of grace, we fill your souls with peace, mercy and love.
...Ah, My children, whoever is faithful, and whoever perseveres in this Our school until the end, will receive the Crown of Eternal Life, I, My Mother and Saint Joseph are your teachers, your monitors are the Guardian Angels and the Saints who protect you.
...We here, communicate to you the Wisdom, not the human, but the Divine with which you will be able to overcome all the obstacles and trials of your life and you will be able to remain faithful to My Spirit of truth and love, do your lessons well, obey our messages, fulfill the tasks we give you, and then you will be rewarded with victory.
...To all I bless you".
St. Joseph (Loving Heart)
"...Beloved children, my most loving Heart loves you infinitely, I want to tell you that wherever one of these pilgrim images of my Divine Mary is, I will be there beside them to help in the conversion of poor sinners, and even the images that are not pilgrim images and that you are taking home, beside them is my special grace, and the particular blessing of my Heart that I give you now... Continue to do the Holy Hour of Peace of my Divine Mary every day, continue to do my Holy Hour every Sunday, I am already uniting many families, and I am already transforming them into wonderful gardens for the Blessed Trinity, and I will continue to do so with those families who obey my Message and do my hour every Sunday, The transformation of some families will be quick, of others it won't, it will take several years maybe even four years, but I will act, I will convert the sinners, I will unite and I will save the families of those who obey me.
...Love Jesus, love My Divine Mary, love Me? Then make sacrifices for us, obey Our Messages pray for the Holy Father the Pope, pray for peace, pray unceasingly this prayer:
"...My Jesus, give peace to the world, on the merits of Your Holy Wounds. ...Pray in this way the Hearts of Jesus, of my Divine Mary, and mine, are attentive to you and your prayers, pray in this way that the world may achieve peace.
...I bless you".
(Marcos) -"...yes...your majesties want something more from me today...Amen...until tomorrow...they are gone".
Our Lady was dressed like this represented here in this image, black cloak and purple dress, but she was not wearing the swords today, yet her countenance was a lovely countenance, but it was still a grave countenance.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was in white and so was St. Joseph, around them were 5 (five) angels, each holding in his hands a bright rose, it was not a flower of the earth, it was a light in the shape of a bright rose.