Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 10, 2003
Message of Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)

(Marcos) - Let's get down on our knees! They are coming!
Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)
"...Dear children, I the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Mother of God and the Lady of the Universe bless you all today.
...Continue to pray, pray the Rosary of Peace for a month with more fervor, because Satan wants to destroy everything and everyone wants to annihilate peace in the world his action is seen in families, nations, society and souls. There is no other solution to the problems of this world than prayer.
...With prayer we can neutralize Satan limiting his field of action and even leaving him inert only the prayer of the Rosaries I have revealed can crush the power of Satan in this world.
...Therefore, little children, pray the Rosary of Peace, make My Hour of Peace with even more fervor.
...I, am always present when My children pray the Hour of Peace, and at the moment of the Hour of Peace miracles and graces are granted by Me to all who obey me and who obey my messages".
Our Lord (Sacred Heart)
"...My chosen souls, my Sacred Heart rejoices in the prayers, praises, tributes, gratitude and songs you have offered in honor of my Mother; I thank each one who loves her and sincerely obeys her, and I tell you that peace be in your hearts.
...To those who love and obey My Mother's messages, I say that peace be in your hearts, and do not worry about anything with any illusion or thought that My enemy wants to suggest to you, whether or not you are doing My will, whether or not you are wasting precious time of your lives, whether or not you are doing what is useful or what is not useful to humanity, whether or not you are doing what the Holy Spirit wants.
...My children, in these times in which we are living, nothing, nothing is more important than to obey the Messages of My Mother, and whoever obeys these messages, who propagates these messages, and teaches others to obey these same messages, are doing the most holy work, the most sublime work, the most pleasing, the purest, the highest to My eyes.
...Because to obey My Mother's messages, to obey My messages, is to spread the Kingdom of Our Hearts on earth.
...I know that you are attacked, I know that you are really broken by My enemy, but know that if this he does it is because he hates you and wants to take revenge on you for the souls that he has lost thanks to the spreading of My Mother's messages, but do not fear, I know all that he does against you, and between him and you there is a wall, there is a shield that is My Sacred Heart and My Holy Wounds.
...Wall that he cannot go through, he can make them suffer a lot is true.
...But, your life belongs only to me, and it is only for Me to give it and to call it when I want it.
...Dear children, pray this month with even more fervor the Rosary of My Holy Wounds, many have already begun to pray it, but there are still few, few have yet understood the value and greatness of this Rosary that I myself revealed to my servant Marta Chambon; pray it, pray it, pray it through the Apparitions of Jacareí I have resurrected this prayer and I will make it spread from here to the whole world, and all over Brazil.
...Therefore, I want you to take the Rosary of the Holy Wounds and place it in your heart, in your hands and in your soul well engraved, and take it as something of Mine, and take it as a treasure that I give to those whom I wish to save.
...I bless you all now".
St. Joseph (Loving Heart)
"...Dear children, I, St. Joseph, thank you all for your prayers. Those souls for which we asked for prayers last month are already well, they are already kept under Our Cloak, but we must remember that Satan loses a soul to places alone and calls other demons with him to attack and persecute new souls in order to swallow their spirit.
...Dear children, now you cannot stop praying you must continue to offer your works, your sufferings and your daily actions to Our Hearts because these actions go up to heaven as a complement of prayer and you obtain from God many graces not only for yourselves but for many souls throughout the world.
...Continue to do My Hour every Sunday at nine in the evening.
...As I said earlier many of your families have needed four or even more years to be cleansed of so much evil that over the years they enter.
...But if you persevere, if you continue, if you obey Me in the end My Most Loving Heart will triumph in your families.
...Therefore continue with My Hour every Sunday, pray My Rosary that My servant Marcos composed in My Honor and that I myself approved, because this rosary has great power in it, great graces and lights for the soul.
...I bless you all now, with love".
(Marcos) "...Amen...Your Majesties desire something more from me...until tomorrow...they are gone.
Our Lady, St. Joseph and Our Lord were a little happier today. Our Lady still had her swords in her chest, they blessed all of you by pouring rays of light from their hands on all those present.
Our Lady wants us to continue obeying her messages, She thanked all those who made sacrifices to come here and be at her feet today.