Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 7, 2003
Message of Our Lady (Queen and Messenger of Peace)

...Dear Children, I, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, Mother of GOD, bless you all today with love and affection. I thank you for all the prayers you have said to answer my invitation, I bless each one of you, I bless your families, I bless the rosaries and the images you have brought now.
...Dear Children, during this month of September, which is full of graces for all of you, I ask you to pray the Rosary of my Immaculate Conception very, very often, this Rosary is contained in the book of my messages, I desire that you pray it afterwards many times asking for the merits of my Immaculate Conception the grace of peace for the world, asking for the privilege of my Immaculate Conception the conversion of all poor Sinners. If you do this my Immaculate Heart will rejoice and many souls will be converted.
...Those souls for whom I asked you to pray are already at peace and out of danger of temptation, of condemnation, but there are others that Satan desires, especially of the young people who are the ones he has most attacked during these last times, pray more for the young children, there is a true multitude of them who are one step away from hell, and only our united prayers, mine and yours, will be able to achieve mercy, pray, pray and pray".
Our Lord (Sacred Heart)
"...Generation, my Sacred Heart rejoices today to see you here praising and honoring my Mother, in spite of the heat, offer this little sacrifice my children, for the conversion of sinners, for the conversion of the world, for the conversion of the people you know.
... Dear children, I invite you this month of September to pray intensely the Rosary of My Mother's Sorrows, you must not only pray it during Lent, but the whole year, in my Mother's Sorrows you will find consolation, courage, strength and faith so as not to become discouraged in the midst of trials, especially today I remind you of the promise that my Mother made in April to all those who venerate her sorrows every day, Those souls who love my Mother's pains and never forget them will have the grace to take from purgatory 7(seven) souls of their relatives their choice, they will not die without the last sacraments, they will escape from the fire of hell and purgatory the same day they die, these and other graces I promise to give to those who remember to venerate my Mother's pains every day either through the Rosary of Sorrows or the Rosary of Tears of Blood.
...I also invite you to read my Passion in the books of my Mother's life in Mystical City of God, my Passion is very forgotten and almost no one remembers it, make the Way of the Cross if possible every Friday, I love all those who obey our messages and they will not perish but in the Kingdom of my Father they will shine like the sun".
St. Joseph (Loving Heart)
"...My children, I, Joseph invite you today to pray more, more and more for your families, Satan wishes to destroy all families until he leaves none standing.
...The Rosary is what has guaranteed the survival of the world, otherwise it would have been totally destroyed either by Satan or by the wrath of GOD offended by so many sins, if you want to save the human race pray the Rosary more, pray with more fervor, pray it passionately and don't forget one day if you want. The same goes for the other Rosaries revealed here in the Apparitions by the Blessed Virgin, pray as many Rosaries as you can and at the hour of your Death they will bless the moment they obeyed me, the devotees of the Rosary stay very little time in Purgatory, a few minutes other matter of seconds, Such is the power and effectiveness he possesses to bring souls to heaven a soul who prays the Rosary will escape the temptations of the Devil, and in this soul, in the soul who prays the Rosary Satan will never be able to touch, nor raise his fortresses of darkness, nor achieve any victory. The soul who prays the Rosary has the strength of the Blessed Virgin herself to spread the light and grace of GOD on earth, and to fight the darkness, so pray the Rosary.
... Spread the Holy Medal of Peace, you have not spread it enough yet, the number of souls who do not yet possess a Medal of Peace, who do not know it, is very great, the Medal of Peace is the channel, it is the door through which the Blessed Virgin pours her graces and her light on earth, It has the same value as the Holy Rosary, so where the Rosary is there should also be the Holy Medal of Peace, spread it, love it, pray the prayer that the Blessed Virgin taught holding the Medal.
...Do my Hour every Sunday, some families have already begun the process of Conversion, but we are still in the beginning, we need patience, we need to pray, trust and wait.
...Do the Holy Hour of Peace every day, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, the angels, the saints, the Divine Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity rest on the souls and houses that do the Holy Hour of Peace every day.
...I bless you now".
Description: The Most Holy Hearts were dressed in light purple robes and Our Lady was smiling lightly