Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 7, 2003
Message of Our Lady - (Queen and Messenger of Peace)

(Marcos): ...that you are in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. AMEN.
...What do your Majesties want from me today?
...Yes. Yes. Yes.
...Are you happy with the presence of the people here today?
...Yes. Yes, Madam.
Our Lady - (Queen and Messenger of Peace)
". Dear Children, today I want to ask you again to continue with the prayer of Holy Rosary every day.
... I ask you to help in the construction of my chapel, because many conversions and the salvation of many souls depend on this chapel, I ask you to help in the completion of this chapel which is so important for my immaculate heart, a part of my plans depends on the chapel I asked for, so I ask you to help in the completion of my chapel so that my image may be introduced there, I ask you to help make this chapel not only with prayer, but also with work and with the generosity of all of you, each one must help the expansion and construction of the Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart in this world according to his possessions, and I promise you that I will reward you for all the efforts you have made for me and for what I ask.
...I want you to make a novena praying the Rosary of Love in preparation for the day of the birth of my son Jesus, because I want to give them to him as a gift, I want to transform them into very beautiful flowers to give to him in order to wipe the tears that he sheds for those who do not love him, who do not adore him, who do not want him.
...I bless you all".
(Marcos): ...Yes, Lord.
Our Lord - (Sacred Heart)
"...Dear souls, my Sacred Heart desires that you love my Blessed Mother more, my Mother dressed in a black robe, in a purple dress, full of pain is, because her messages are not obeyed by human beings, my Mother is torn with pain for humanity.
... My heart can no longer bear to see my Mother suffering like this day after day, my heart can no longer bear to see my mother consumed with pain like this day after day when she sees that her messages are not obeyed or acted upon, so I ask each one of you to love her more, I want you to increase your prayers to her, I want you to love my mother with fervent love, I want you to become souls of fire, torches of fire, fire of love for my Holy Mother, for this I want you all to read the lives of the little shepherds: Francisco and Jacinta, I want you to copy the love they had for my Mother, I want you to copy the prayers they made to my Mother, I want you to copy the sacrifices they made for love of my Mother, I want you to bear their sufferings with the same humility and meekness they endured to console my Mother's heart, I want you to have for her the same obedience that they had for my mother, if you do all this my mother's heart will rejoice, it will stop bleeding and therefore my heart will also be relieved, because I want nothing else but to find in the world souls who love my mother and suffer everything, bear everything and do everything for her. ”
Saint Joseph - (Loving Heart)
"...Dear children, I Saint Joseph, today I ask you to continue to My Hour every Sunday in their homes, in their families, my peace will descend little by little upon their families and even if everything shows them otherwise, even if the situation is hopeless and it seems that there is no point in saying a Hail Mary if you want it, I tell you to continue praying because only those who are strong, only those who close their ears to the temptations of the enemy, who orders everything to be abandoned, only those who persevere to the end, who carry the cross to the top of the Golgotha, of Calvary, only those will receive the prize, the crown of triumph.
...Children, the more difficult the fight, the more glorious the victory will be, have patience, pray, make my hour every Sunday, continue also to Holy Hour of Peace every day, if you do this you will be placing a barrier, a shield, a spiritual force field around your families that will make it difficult for the evil spirits of darkness to enter your homes, an atmosphere of peace will invade your homes, and your homes will become little and little targets of GOD's graces and mercy, remember what I said to you: the harder the battle, the more glorious the victory.
...My Heart will only triumph in the homes, in the families that make My Hour and the Hour of Peace".
(Marcos): ...Give me your Blessing.
...Amen. Do you desire anything else from me today?
Note: Then Marcos sang the chorus of the song The Thirteenth of May, sang the Hail Holy Queen and prayed a Hail Mary, after telling us about the tribulation that the sanctuary went through during the month of November and continues to go through.