Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Message from OUR LADY

(Marcos) What do you want from me today? (long pause) Yes . Yes.
(Our Lady) " - My children, today I want to ask only one thing; reread all of My Messages; listen again to all the messages that I have already given you here; because many of them have already been forgotten. Obey this order that I give you and you will console my Heart".
" - My children, my Sacred Heart desires that each one of you make a novena, a novena of the Rosary of Sorrows of my Blessed Mother, offering this Rosary for the Peace of the world and for the conversion of sinners, because it is they who destroy the Peace of the world with the help of Satan. If they ask me for the merits of my Blessed Mother's sorrows, I will pour out peace on earth and send my angels to fight against the demons installed by the air in the cities and houses. And My angels will bind them again in the depths of hell. To the Rosary of My Mother's Sorrows I cannot deny anything. For it is the contemplation of how much she herself has suffered throughout her life from birth to the end for My Love and at My side.
Yes, many think that I have suffered more than my Mother. On the contrary. She suffered so much and even more than I did, because she suffered not only for herself but for Me. Who can measure her pain? Who will be able to put into words the torments of my Blessed Mother. Yes, the demons themselves were paralyzed by the Pains that my Blessed Mother felt. With the sorrows that she felt in her heart. Especially my Passion.
The demons themselves were amazed at the scale of the cruelty with which men treated me and my Mother in those terrible hours of our Passion. Yes, my Mother's suffering, if it were transformed into fire it would burn and melt the whole of Heaven and the whole Earth. Yes, that was the price of your salvation. This was the price of your ransom from sin. This was the price of your souls. My pain and the pain of my mother. Therefore, those who pray the Rosary of Sorrows, the Rosary of Tears contemplating the Sorrows and Tears of my Most Holy Mother, I will grant everything if what these souls ask of me is not contrary to the will of my father and my sacred heart, and if it is for the good of souls. because to my Mother's Merits, I will never be able to say no. I will never be able to say no. For this reason, a great love and devotion to the Tears and Sorrows of My Mother tend to be trusted. Pray these Rosaries as much as you can and I confirm to you that I will give them thanks, that I will drive away and bind the demons that I will pour out Peace like a gentle rain to wet the whole Earth transformed into a desert of hatred, violence and evil. To all, I bless".
" - My children, I . Joseph to all today I ask: Continue praying the Holy Rosary every day.
Satan has a particular hatred of those who pray the Rosary because he knows that it is the Rosary that impedes and frustrates their plans. The devil does not fear those who do not pray the Rosary, but he fears those who pray it every day.
Continue praying it because only the Rosary can bring Divine Peace down to earth. Keep on doing the Holy Hour of Peace every day. Satan cannot stand the Hour of Peace. Demons are forced to leave the homes that make the Hour of Peace. If they persevere in it, their homes and families will be free from the influence of the demons because when they leave a soul or family, they wander and then return with stronger spirits to try to enter again. If they are persevering in the Hour of Peace every day when the demons return, they will find their families and their souls surrounded by prayer and thus, they will not be able to enter. Keep doing My Hour every Sunday, the Hour of Peace and My Hour, you will be stronger and more effective the more Faith you make them. Yes, the degree of effectiveness of these prayers is also related to the degree of faith you have in them. Those who have little faith in these prayers will have little effectiveness. Whoever has a lot of faith in these prayers, great effectiveness for these souls, these prayers will have. Continue to wear the Holy Medal of Peace every day, because it is the shield that protects you from evil. The Cloak of the Most Holy Virgin My Cloak and the Cloak of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be covering the people who wear the Holy Medal of Peace with faith and devotion. The demons recognize the Holy Medal of Peace wherever it is and therefore cannot stand its presence if they rebel, get angry, protest but are forced to flee. I, all of you now, bless you.