Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Thursday, July 13, 2006

59th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Montichiari-Italy

Message of Our Lady


(On this day Our Lady, Pierina Gilli, seer of the Mystical Rose in Montchiari and Fontanelle 1944-1991 and Sister Amalia, seer of Our Lady of Tears of Campinas, 1929-1932 appeared)

Mary Most Holy

"- These are the two servants of My Tears. They came with me today to greet you and bless you who are the continuator of the devotion of My Holy Tears to the world and the Consoler of My Immaculate Heart."(pause)

"-I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother of God, through these Apparitions I continue here and finish the work that I began in Fatima and Montchiari. My Heart has chosen this place and you my son, and through the TREZENA I am saving many souls who were under the dominion of Satan. I am particularly consoled today by the prayers, TRITENESS and sacrifices they made. I will accomplish my great work of salvation through this place, spreading my mystical light on the souls of the whole world. Here, where I am most comforted and fully heard, I will accomplish the wonders of my Immaculate Heart by overcoming Satan and producing my greatest victory. Forward. Pray. Continue with the prayers and the TREZENA. Beat the enemy with the Rosary . Only through him, through the Rosary, will come Peace. To all I bless Fatima Montchiari and Jacareí".

(Report-Marcos) "Then St. Pierina Gilli said to me:"

Pierina Gilli

"-Marcos, I am Pierina Gilli and I am your protector. I also protect all the pilgrims of this Shrine and all those who spread the Messages of the Mother of God. I pray constantly in this Chapel for all the people who come here and spread the Messages of the Mother of God. Marcos, remain faithful to the Mother of God and never weaken. I am with you, always and never will leave you. I will always be at your side, always! Peace, Marcos!"

(Report-Marcos) "Then Pierina opened her arms in a gesture of welcome and protection for me. At the beginning of the Apparition, I asked the Mother of God who was that other bright young woman on Her left side, because the one on the right, Pierina Gilli, I already knew. The Virgin herself sent me to ask the luminous young woman; I did, and she answered me:"

Amalia Aguirre

"I am Amalia Aguirre, the Seer Messenger of the Lady of Tears. After the Messages of Mary Most Holy and Pierina, Saint Amalia said to me: "-Marcos, you have been chosen by the Mother of God to continue to spread the Messages that the Lady of Tears communicated to me. What I couldn't do, because I was too hindered, you must do now. The men hindered me in every way, and I, though I wanted to, could not make the Messages known. You must now make the devotion to the Lady of Tears known to everyone, and for that, you must have the image of the Lady of Tears made, as it appeared to me, and also the Medal of the Lady of Tears with Jesus Held in Manietado, and make everything known along with the Messages. The image of the Lady of Tears must be placed here in the Chapel, so that it can be venerated by everyone. Marcos, if you spread the Messages of the Lady of Tears with the Medal and the Image, great graces of conversion will happen! Forward! Elected, forward! I will always be with you! I will always be with you! Peace!" Then Pierina Gilli said to me, "Marcos, the time has come for you to have the Medal of the Mystical Rose and the Holy Green Scapular, so that the extraordinary action of the Mother of God spreads more quickly on earth, and her plan of salvation is realized. Elected! Peace! I am and will always be with you!"

(Report-Marcos) "Finally, the Mother of God, Saint Pierina and Saint Amalia blessed me and those present in the chapel and disappeared.



