Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 14, 2006
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Report-Marcos): Today, Our Lord appeared to me at 6:30 pm. He was sad and from His divine eyes came down thick tears. He said to me, with kindness and sadness:
Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-Son, I am the Love rejected and persecuted by men. I am scourged again in these times, but this time by the bishops, priests and other religious, and with me my Blessed Mother is also scourged. They plague Us by persecuting Our Apparitions and Messages. We are filled with atrocious suffering every day, because we only receive persecution, indifference and disobedience from those who have the obligation to defend us, make us known and obeyed by everyone. Those who call themselves 'My friends' and 'My ministers' are the ones who plague Me in the most cruel way. I seek souls like John, Mary Magdalene, Veronica and the Holy Women, who consoled My Mother and Me on My Cross. I am on the cross with my Mother every day, and we suffer together; we thirst for souls who take our Messages to all and give together the good example of obedience to them, and who do not weaken with the persecution of the bishops and priests, but who overcome this for love of my Mother and me. I call, but will anyone hear My groans?
(Report-Marcos): "Then Jesus spoke to me and disappeared, still shedding copious tears. The Lord seemed inconsolable today. My heart broke with sorrow when I saw the Lord weeping and speaking such painful words. Today, while I was working making the pamphlets of the Messages, a very strong perfume of lilies along with the perfume of another flower that I could not identify the odor, invaded the room where I worked. I looked around, but there wasn't any flower in the place that could exhale such perfume. On today's Apparition I asked the Lord if the perfume I felt was a sign. The Lord answered that 'yes', and that sign indicated the presence of Him, of Mary Most Holy and of St. Joseph with me while I work, blessing me, for the spreading of the Messages gives them much Glory and consolation. The sign of the heavenly perfume lasted about 4 hours straight, after which it suddenly disappeared.